Holy Cow.........he didn't even know what "financially" meant. Lord help us all. I just pray my boys are not going to be that irresponsible.
Wow... my DS is 11 .... wow wow wow :shock: I didn't even know the "tadpoles" could swim that early. :lol::lol::lol:
I agree with all of the above but somehow my intuition tells me that someone is gonna come on here and defend the kid. I'll just :chillpill: and wait with my opcorn:.
Girl! Me either.......my oldest is 11 too.........I laughed when he told me he needed to start wearing deodorant.........I was thinking he was still to young to have B.O. Must be in the food they eat, kids are maturing too fast! Going to pick up some deodorant today. LOL
More probably the growth hormones and other steroids placed in our food chain. Bigger more productive beef cattle, dairy cows, chickens..... Think about it. For those of us over 40, there were relatively few "developed" girls in middle school and most girls didn't "blossom" until they were 16 or older. These days...take a look around and tell me that things are the same. Not to my old eyes. Moreso, it's a double whammy as their bodies may be telling them one message, but their intellectual, social, emotional and other areas lack maturity. Add to that the inappropriate messages that they receive and lack of 'hands on' parenting just adds to the mess. h6
My favorite parts of this story: "Chantelle and Maisie were released from hospital yesterday. They are living with Penny, Chantelle’s jobless dad Steve, 43, and her five brothers in a rented council house in Eastbourne. The family live on benefits. Alfie, who lives on an estate across town with mum Nicola, 43, spends most of his time at the Steadmans’ house. He is allowed to stay overnight and even has a school uniform there so he can go straight to his classes in the morning. Alfie’s dad, who is separated from Nicola, believes the lad is scared deep down. Dennis, who has fathered nine kids, told how he was “gobsmacked” when he discovered Alfie was to be a dad, too." If the kids are spending nights together, maybe Alfie can work on fathering 9 kids also. I love how the story said "fathered" 9 children rather than saying "Is a father to 9 children". All of the folks involved here are just wrong!!
Here I am... hey the kid may turn out to be a better father than a lot of them we read about. The kid hit a homerun early in life, could be steroids...