DH just called, he works for CSX, he told me they are now transporting used garbage trucks to mexico now. They are empty, I think we should put something in them. :jester:
how about filling them up with illegals! hey.... as long as they are going that way.......we can send them back for free
I think Bushie and Cheney would like a ride in them so they can take a look at the other side of that wall they've been building :lol:
Haven't done any research and am just thinking aloud....how long ago did we start that thing? How much more needs to be done to get it finished? Didn't we get excited and want the Berlin Wall to come down? How many illegals have crossed since we started that wall? Will that wall really stop the influx? Like I said...just thinking aloud. Sherry
If the Border Patrol was allowed to really take action, I'm sure part of the tide of incoming illegals would be slowed. Course if that were to happen then there wouldn't really be any Border Patrol left cause they would proably all end up on trail by the tree hugging PC crowd that is scared to take the actions needed for fear that it may step on someone else's toes. Craig
Hey, this tree hugging Liberal believes in abiding by the law and Constitution. If someone is breaking the law then I am all for the Border Patrol doing its job. Just wonder about that stupid fence. Seems like a waste of taxpayer dollars and something that a "free" country does not do. I think the Border Patrol agents that were arrested in Texas should have a full pardon, an apology and all the trimmings. Sherry