LMAO! I got to page 8 and you still weren't there, I gave up. :lol: PM me your e-mail, so I can find you that way
Why Facebook is for old fogies - like us.........:lol: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1879169,00.html
I did it!! I finally joined Facebook. This is so cool, I can't believe I waited so long. I've already found 2 people that used to live across the street from me 37 years ago!! :lol: (and yes 37 years ago I was just a wee baby :mrgreen
hehehe, i know, i found a few old friends i grew up with - just wish i had more time to spend on there.
I re-connected with a girlfriend from high school. We used to work together after school and would swap out driving to and from work after school. (carpooling before carpooling was cool) She is battling breast cancer. Her surgery was yesterday. The physicians believe they removed all of the cancer. It brightened up her spirits with my very long emails and asking her did she remember this or that. We were both at the right place at the right time via Facebook. Strange thing is that both of us have been on Classmates for years and could see each other's names but neither of us would drop the dime to become "members". I joined Facebook in Dec '08 and she joined in Jan '09.
I only have a few friends so far but I wasting time and going crazy trying to tend my Green Patch and the Lil Blue Cove. I am also addicted to all the quizzes.
I use it for bus & personal. I like to think that most of my clients become friends at some point. We are planning our High School reunion right now through FB, it has been so helpful at getting the word out.
You can post that to your profile. If you go TO the youtube link, at the bottom it says "Myspace", "Facebook" etc... just click on Facebook and add it to your page. I had to call someone to tell me how to do it.
Yeah, I started to, but I actually saw it on one of my friends' pages, so I didn't want her to think I was copying her (or taking credit for it..), so I just posted it here intead.