Where oh where are you today??? Why did you leave me here all alone.. I've searched the forums over and thought I found someone, you left me hanging cuz you went and got banned... :jester::jester:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KtF7ql3FJc&feature=related Doah! I thought this was a Metallica discussion ;P
I think that was the last song he wrote/sang before he died. What a way to go out. My vote is for the Cash. I LOVE that song.
Ok I see how my friends are enjoying all this... I like how you guys Revile at my time of hurt and emotional stability... One could only be so proud with the Love and emotional support I receive here. I'm truly overwhelmed with the support and help. Thank you all :grouphug::grouphug: :twisted::twisted::twisted: My strings are broken...LOL