Just wondering what kind of issues your children have run into while transitioning from Elementary school to Middle School. What changes do you think might make this transition easier for students & the parents?
Make sure they got their shot required for upcoming 6th graders! I'm in the same boat. We have an upcoming 6th grader..........my babies are growing too fast!
Buy a combination lock and have them practice opening it. Seriously. Sixth graders get really nervous about getting the lock open, getting books, and getting to class. If they know how to open the lock (even though they'll have a different combination at school), they will be less likely to carry everything with them all day.
Mine had no issues. What will make it easier? Simple. Make sure the parents arent helicopters. You treat it like any other school year and chances are they will too.
I remember going ffrom 5th to 6th grade. all of a sudden i wasn't "cool." From what i can remember i honestly don't think I did anything major or anything to all of a sudden be shunned. So i thought screw them, and found better friends. my point really being, i agree with whoever said to explore outside your current clique. also, i remember being so intimidated whenever i walked down the 8th grade hall. i'd tell your kid to not be intimidated by them. when they look back they'll laugh that they ever thought a 13 yr old was intimidating lol
I have twin boys and they seem to have transitioned smoothly. They do continue to come home and ask a lot of questions about things they hear in the bathroom or on the bus. I am very thankful that we have the kind of relationship where they feel comfortable asking me, and getting an honest answer (on a 6th grade level, of course). I will put it like this, I am very, very glad I explained the birds and the bees to them over the summer, before 6th grade began. I am happy to say they have not experiecned any bullying at all. which was my biggest concern in the beginning....course they are about 5'8 already.
3 of mine so far have had a very tough time transitioning. One was bullied to the point I had to pull him out of school. They made fun of him all the time b/c he was different in his ethnicity. We tried for months to fix the problem. School did not help w/ that btw. Other daughter was always made fun of.(she's mentally challeneged). The people "assigned" to her in regular classrooms the teachers assured me were nice and going to help her. They didn't help and worse then that, made fun of her when she didn't understand. I have a daughter currently there now. She wrote a note literally begging me to homeschool her as well. Why?-- b/c she said people always make fun of her and she's tired of seeing boys int he school touch girls inappropriately. Nice. So, my impressions SO FAR w/ 3 DIFFERENT children have not been favorable transition for middle school. I notice the girls get very caddy and mean during this time. They'll form cliques. Sad really. I've heard I am not the only parent. So, if you think these are isolated cases...you're wrong. Spoken w/ way too many parents b/c I thought maybe my kids were over-reacting b/c it is middle school. Nope. Not saying what other parents have said about middle school as it is their child. I can only speak on here of my expereiences w/ my kids. Do the best you can and do hope your child adjusts well to middle school. Good luck. Stephanie--mom to 7
:iagree: I also covered 'guilt by association' with my boys. I will also add that middle school is a huge adjustment for 'hands on' parents like myself. You are cut off!! The only contact or information you get, is from your kid. IF they don't tell you, you won't know what the heck is going on. So in other words, don't expect 'Friday folders' with the weeks work, a note home about 'tallies' or any contact at all! it was hard. I am still in detox.
Dang Kell, that stinks. I am a hands on parent, or at least I like to think so. I have a boy going from 5th to 6th next year, and I am a little freaked. He is challenged in a few ways. Because of his issues he seems different from the perspective of other kids. I hope my son does not get picked on too bad. Steph, I feel for you sweetie. That is horrible.:grouphug: I can say that I will get answers from teachers, principals or whoever I have to if I feel like my kid is being mistreated. I have a nasty habit of making sure I am heard when my kids are involved. :lol:
Girls get more catty and boys hormones go astray. Kell is absolutely correct that discussing age appropriate birds and bees is a good thing. Things my daughter stated: They don't line up in middle school like elementary school so it is a little looser. The combination lock is a good idea. We bought one and she practiced. Cliques will form but that happens wherever anyone goes. Both parent and child will notice that kids in middle school start trying the free expression with clothing. Hang onto your eyeballs and suck it up. Remember how you dressed when younger. I also agree with Grinder...act like it is the same transition as elementary school and the kids will be calmer and hopefully so will you. Sherry
yes.....they have issues with the locks so make them practice over the summer. also, they have a hard time being organized......if they have this class then this class, when can i go to my locker and get what books i need next etc. they need a plan.....ya gotta have a plan.....do ya have a plan? 6th grade has been a tough year......buckle your seat belt!
You'll be fine as far as being involved girl....it's just they aren't used to it, unfortunately. there isn't a large amount of parental support in middle school. Some teachers will welcome your constant presence more than others. My boys have transitioned very well. I am very proud of them. I would have to say at this point, now that we are 1/2 way through the year, that I had more of a transition issue than they did. :mrgreen:
Yes, organization is very important. I've been pretty lucky with mine, guess she picked it up from me. We've had other kids and parents come over or she goes over to there house to help organize binders and whatnots and explains the reasoning. I have always stated that any items coming home from the school should be placed in a certain area of the house when she arrives home. I don't want to read items late at night or at her discretion. It seems to have worked pretty good. Now, the teen's room is completely different than her school items........I'm gonna kill her one day over that stupid room. Sherry