web site From: Blomquist, Joe E (Joe.Blomquist@ncagr.gov) You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk Sent: Thu 2/05/09 3:59 PM To: XXXXXXXXXX http://www.ncagr.gov/vet/aws/ Here is the web site. ***My email address has changed to joe.blomquist@ncagr.gov, Please update your records.*** Joe Blomquist Outreach Coordinator Veterinary-Animal Welfare Programs 1030 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 919-715-7111 Office 919-733-6431 Fax 919-609-4537 cell joe.blomquist@ncagr.gov E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
NCDA&CS Divisions Agricultural Statistics Agronomic Services Budget and Finance Emergency Programs Food Distribution Food and Drug Protection Human Resources Marketing Meat and Poultry NC State Fair Plant Industry Property and Construction Public Affairs Research Stations Standards Structural Pest & Pesticides Veterinary Executive Staff NC Board of Agriculture Home | Programs | Services | Divisions | Newsroom | Search Veterinary Home Pages Animal Health Programs Animal Welfare Programs Animal Disease Alerts Contact Us NC Veterinary Laws and Regulations Maps Frequently Asked Questions USDA Contacts Reportable Diseases State Status Animal Health Fact Sheets Licensing NC Stockyards and Markets Horse Sales Other Sites of Interest Meat And Poultry Division Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory System Veterinary Boarding Kennels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: A facility or establishment which regularly offers to the public the service of boarding dogs or cats or both for a fee. Such a facility or establishment may, in addition to providing shelter, food and water, offer grooming or other services for dogs and/or cats. Requirements: No person shall operate a public auction or a boarding kennel unless a license to operate such establishment shall have been granted by the Director of Field Forces, Veterinary Division. Application for such license shall be made in the manner provided by the Director. The license period shall be the fiscal year, July 1 - June 30. Fees: The license fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) for each license period or part thereof beginning with the first day of the fiscal year. Contact: Animal Welfare Section Office: (919) 715-7111 AGR.AWS@ncagr.gov NCDA&CS Veterinary Division, Dr. David Marshall, DVM, State Veterinarian Mailing Address:1030 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1030 Physical Address: 2 W. Edenton Street, Room 472, Raleigh, NC 27601 Phone: (919) 733-7601; FAX: (919) 733-2277 Jobs | Mission Statement | Accessibility Statement | Disclaimer | Privacy Statement Steve Troxler, Commissioner of Agriculture THIS IS DIRECT FROM THEIR WEBSITE!
some people obviously can't comprehend what they read. A "facility" - is a building, not someone elses private home where their pet stays in their owners home and has the pet sitter go to them! Sorry I can't sit on my hands on this one. I'd gladly pay $100.00 to go towards your fundraiser, in the form of a check made out to whatever vet clinic or spay/neuter clinic that is participating IF you can show me ONE license granted by the state of North Carolina that licenses a "pet sitter" (as in one who goes to another persons home and cares for their pets) You state you have people who are licensed pet sitters who wish to help you with the fundraiser, so it's not like you have to search far. . .Show me/us all one license (NOT a privilege license, but a PET SITTING license and I'll gladly put my money where my mouth is. Come on, I want you to prove me wrong. If you can't then shut the heck up. Want to make it $200.00? I'll throw in another hundred IF you can do the same for a Dog Obedience Trainer (NOT a trainer who trains hunting dogs) Here's the step by step on how to post it - oh and you can blacken out the name of the pet sitter, just for privacy reasons. You can scan it and photobucket it and place the image here for all to see very easily. Scan the item into your pc and save it as a jpg file, then go to www.photobucket.com and get a free account Then click on 'upload photo' Click browse and then My Pictures It doesn't matter if you use Adobe or Picassa - you will see your photos - they just might be in separate folders. When you find the pic you want to upload double click it and photobucket will retrieve it once it is done click save and continue and then repeat the upload/browse/etc step till you have all in photobucket that you wish to post here on 4042 or email Then if you highlight the pic you want to bring to 40/42 you will see links below it appear. Choose the bottom one it will begin with an image tag [IMG.] Left click on the IMG tag, then copy it - Then start your message here, and when you want the LICENSE to show just right click and paste the IMG tag and Voila.
definition of establiment straight from the dictionary pay attention to number 6 an most people with any sense knows that some petsitters do only watch dogs at their homes, not always at others homes. not it didnt just say facility it also said ESTABLISMENT SO YOU ALSO KNOW AS PART OF THE LICENSEING YOU HAVE TO HAVE INSPECTIONS BUT OF COURSE YOULL ALSO SAY THAT ISNT TRUE AS WELL Establishment - 5 dictionary results Sponsored Links Enterprise Software Demos Register for Free Business Software Demos. Registration Required! www.2020Software.com es⋅tab⋅lish⋅ment /ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [i-stab-lish-muhnt] Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. the act or an instance of establishing. 2. the state or fact of being established. 3. something established; a constituted order or system. 4. (often initial capital letter) the existing power structure in society; the dominant groups in society and their customs or institutions; institutional authority (usually prec. by the): The Establishment believes exploring outer space is worth any tax money spent. 5. (often initial capital letter) the dominant group in a field of endeavor, organization, etc. (usually prec. by the): the literary Establishment. 6. a household; place of residence including its furnishings, grounds, etc. 7. a place of business together with its employees, merchandise, equipment, etc. 8. a permanent civil, military, or other force or organization. 9. an institution, as a school, hospital, etc. 10. the recognition by a state of a church as the state church. 11. the church so recognized, esp. the Church of England. 12. Archaic. a fixed or settled income. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Origin: 1475–85; 1920–25 for def. 4; establish + -ment
below is a list of places that had to go threw the inspections as part of the license process http://www.ncagr.gov/vet/aws/Inspections/Wake_County/index.htm there you can view each places inspection report im done with you your a waste of time my next step will be to forward admission of pet sitting without a license to the state actually to joe bloomquist ps keep your money you need if for the course called "how not to be Enlightened person!"
Pet sitters aren't doggie day cares, pet sitters go to the pet, not the other way around. . .what, the dept of ag. is gonna go inspect my clients homes to make sure they are up to par????? If you know of a pet sitter that takes dogs into their home, check to see if they have a boarding/kennel license cause a "pet sitting license" doesn't exist - then call you buddy Joe and turn 'em in. :lol: While you had that dictionary out, you should have put it to a bit more use:mrgreen: Look, bottom line here - you stated AND I STATED "I'd gladly pay $100.00 to go towards your fundraiser, in the form of a check made out to whatever vet clinic or spay/neuter clinic that is participating IF you can show me ONE license granted by the state of North Carolina that licenses a "pet sitter" (as in one who goes to another persons home and cares for their pets) You state you have people who are licensed pet sitters who wish to help you with the fundraiser, so it's not like you have to search far. . .Show me/us all one license (NOT a privilege license, but a PET SITTING license and I'll gladly put my money where my mouth is. Come on, I want you to prove me wrong. If you can't then shut the heck up. Want to make it $200.00? I'll throw in another hundred IF you can do the same for a Dog Obedience Trainer (NOT a trainer who trains hunting dogs)" Now place the images of those licenses on this site, and collect that 200.00 from me *which would probably be more than you'll get from your yard sale - prove me wrong, make me look like a total idiot who is breaking the law - Come on, I'm calling you out here! About 20% of the people on this board know who I am - I will not renege on my wager. It's up to you - quit talking and prove what you say. Any other thing you attempt to post will only make you look foolish.
Make the call! Please do! I have many clients right here on this board who will tell Mr. Bloomquist that I go to their home and sit for their pets and collect money for doing so and I'll tell Mr. Bloomquist that I don't have a freaking license!!!!!!! Forward this to him - please do - I am not a boarding facility, I am not a kennel, I petsit for other peoples animals at their own homes and there is NO license for that in the state of NC - Furthermore, I obedience train dogs - private lessons at the owners' home, yes I go to them and again I have clients who can attest to that on this board - I get money for it, they pay me a fee!!!!!! AND I don't have a license - BECAUSE the is NONE in the state of NC. CALL JOE! I might be a Enlightened person, but you can't fix stupid!
lol omg i'm getting a kick out of this thread. ebabe's posts are great. i'm in the library and couldnt stop laughing. and i honestly have (maybe "had" now) NO idea what you have to do or anything to become a pet sitter, but obviously the original poster doesn't either. i think she got ****ed that she was corrected, and is fighting a losing battle. give it a break. stop wasting your time and raise money for the pets like you wanted!