Wow some of the responses. Give mom and dad a chance to fix it. You are kidding right? But they are the ones that probably cleaned it up anyways, because he had a test to take, right. And i am sure that the other officers probably laid into him also, which obisouly didn't help. Glad you or your kids ere not hurt. But until kids are not held responsible for there actions they are not going to learn
No the only one that laid into him was the state trooper, everyone else wanted to make sure he was ok and that the car wasn't going to blow up in my yard. As for the kid, not to school to the hospital just get a really good check over..cause 2 hours after he was coming down from the high adrenaline and was feeling some pain. As filing the report wouldn't have done nothing to the kid, but those 4 tickets will. Trust me I'm all about making the kid pay, but there is some limitations to that. Just me two cents! Sheri
Are you saying he got 4 citations out of this one incident? Because I think bout2 got the impression he has had a lot of accidents and run-ins with the law. I certainly think you did the right thing by giving them a chance to clean up and not filing the report right away.
Yes that is what I meant, he got 4 citations just for this one wreck. Speeding, wreckless driving, something about going over the yellow line and expired tags (of course that isn't as big as a deal as the others). No other tickets since he has been driving, good grades ect...parents were shocked. Thanks, I think I did the right thing. I will give them a call tonight and make sure he is ok. sheri
sorry, i thought you where talking about he allready had 3 tickets. Cause i was thinking what in the world was this woman thinking. Glad everyones OK. Thank i would have done samething
Ok - as the someone who knows a kid that did this... the kid, dad, and his brother were at the house that very day. installing a new mailbox, sod and whatever else the yard needed. THey did everything need to make that place look the way it did before my son drove into the yard and rolled around a bit. Yes, he too, was going too fast and was dern lucky to have only hit the mail box and not manage to kill himself. Trust me he really didn't feel like fixing the yard up but since he escaped with only bumps and a bruise or two, his father felt that he needed to be there to help clean up his error. I thik it was a good idea.
Yea seabee let his mom and dad fix it. That as good that they fixed HIS mess. He would have been out there by hisself if took him 2 weeks
You mis-interrepted my post. that was probably my fault. The blue car was sitting on the side of the road. It pulled out as the wrecker was pulling out. It was behind the wrecker. There were 2 young men in the front seats. There was a young boy standing on the side of the road talking to them through the passenger side front window. The young man standing had several sheets of paper folded in half in his hand. The blue car was a 4 door and he entered the car on the passenger side rear door. The driver of the blue car decided to be a little bit of a wise guy and put it in drive and acted like he was going to pull out and leave the young man standing there. Then he stopped in the middle of the road to wait for the young man to climb in the backseat. The wrecker pulled out and headed towards 210, then the blue car. I was immediately behind the blue car as his wise guy antics stopped traffic in both directions. I followed them to the light where we caught the red light. I sat there and wondered if one of them was the driver of the car that was on the wrecker. All 3 were hyped up and having a hi-ole time while waiting to turn onto 210. There was a large black pick-up there on the side of the road too.
I do think that the kid should have been the one cleaning up the mess. But that decision was left up to the parents and for whatever the reason they did it themselves - maybe they just wanted to get it done asap?
I'm sure he won't ge going anywhere for a while... I wasn't here when they cleaned up, but I'm hoping that the son helped. I'm thinking that he did. Now on another note, there was some nice looking firemen out there and here I was with my dog walking chewed up shoes and my sweat pants with no makeup and messed up hair in a pony tail..just sad. lol
You forget, they rush into burning buildings and save people at all hours - you probably looked better than most chicks. :lol:
Men like that never end up on your front door step when you are at your's God's Will and it will be done....that way every time......................................
Don't know what happend after the wrecker left my yard, I know when the wrecker pulled out I waved, as far as the 4 door sedan, the only two that were in the car was the father and son, father driving. Sorry, didn't see anything else.. Don't remember no black pickup either.
The group I was speaking of made the kid go out and do it too. The only reason he didn't clean up everythgin alone is becasue he had never installed a mailbox before and he wa a bit banged up and not in the best of