So I've looked at soooooo many images on line of chicken pox I think I could throw up!!:ack: DS #2 (lil one) has this rash all over, mostly in the groin, abdomen / chest area. He didn't have any fever and I sure can't figure out where he got it. :? Going to the urgent care clinic tomorrow when they open just for confirmation. UGH!!! The thing that REALLY sucks is DS #1 (11yr old) has never had it or the shot. :cry: geeeeeeeeesh .... Can I catch a break please!!!!!:banghead:
Maybe it won't be that. I do the same thing when I have something weird going on. I look online at all of these horrible images to try and match it to what I've got and I always end up picking the worst possible thing to diagnose myself with! Then it ends up being nothing.:lol: Hopefully it will end up being something other than pox that isn't contagious and can be treated easily. Still stinks for the little guy all the same. And mom for racking your brain about what it could be. Hope they can give you a straight answer tomorrow.
As much of a pain I am sure it will be if they do have it, better now than when they are older. I never got it until I was in College, I got very lucky it was durning winter break. So I did not miss anytime from school. I was so sick for 2 weeks.
My kids itched a lot and had the bumps, but as far as being sick in bed, they weren't. They were younger too and for the most part acted like they always did, except for scratching all the time. I bathed them in Alveno and that helped and put that ole nice pink lotion on them and gave them some benedryl at night
Years ago when my son had chicken pox he was prescribed: Possibly, becaouse of the medicing my son ended up having a very mild case of the chicken pox. Unfortunately, the day my son popped up with his first blister we had no idea he had been exposed to chicken pox. That day my son went to daycare, the dentist, karate practice, baseball practice & a birthday party. He felt fine that day and I wouldn't have taken him to any of those places if I had suspected he was sick. I saw the 1st blister when I put him in the tub that evening. I joked with my husband that it was probably chicken pox. I woke up during the night to check and my son had developed more blisters. I took him in to see the doctor when he woke the next morning. Unfortunatly, at least 3 of his friends came down with chicken pox within a week of my son. The weird thing is that all three of those kids had been vaccinated - but I guess the vaccine didn't really work for them.
:iagree: I did the exact same thing as you and used the same products. That bath product really helped. Sherry
How is he today? They are miserable. My niece got them as an infant and it was awful. DS had the shot and so far, so good. He's been exposed to other kids with them as well. My mom still talks about the 3 of us all having them at the same time. I bet that was fun! :mrgreen:
The Varacella vaccine is NOT a guarantee that the child will not get chicken pox. We personally wanted our children to get it as it is better to have it as a kid than as an adult. My son got in in the summer of '07. He was 7 at the time. We made a chicken pox cake & they thought that was cool. He wasn't horribly sick. Just kind of blah. None of my other kids had it but usually kids get it at the orphanage so I'm not worried abou tit. I figured if they were to catch it, it would have happened when their brother had it. Do buy some itch relief stuff and soak him in a bath. I bought the Aveeno stuff for baths and that worked well. If you get a mild case of chicken pox, you CAN indeed get it again. I had them when I was 2yo. My dad got itat 23yo and was beyond miserable my mom said. So, I try to expose them when their young. Every kid is different though so do what is best for your child. So sorry to hear your son is sick. I remember when I took mine to urgent care and was shocked to hear he had chicken pox b/c his medical records had stated he already had it. They'll come through like troopers. Biggest thing...keep their hands busy!!! Hope he is well soon. Stephanie--mom to 7
Oh man...sorry to hear that! Urgent Care was insane today, I just got home after being there for 4 hours with my 3 year old for a sinus infection!! Hope your little one feels better.
Ugh! I'm sorry so many little ones are sick. My 3 year old has not been sick for a couple of weeks (it seems he is always with a runny nose or something!) so knock on wood for right now. I honestly had not even given much thought to him possibly getting chicken pox, but I certainly remember having it. Nothing will drive you mad liking itching all the time!
I usually keep a non filter cool humidifier in my teen's room during these times. Love the non filter as it seems we were always changing filters. She is always better when it runs. The humidifier may help with the runny nose as it really clears the air. Good luck, Sherry
Dont be surprised if you also come down with "the Pox". My son had it when he was in 2nd grade, I asked my mom if I had had it as a child and she pulled out my baby book (yes, she was one of those moms that put EVERYTHING in the baby book, including the penny that I swallowed and she "found" a couple of days later...) I had a very good case of the pox at 4 years old so I thought I was safe. A couple of weeks after my sons episode with chicken pox, I came down with a horrible body-covering case of chicken pox. Went to the doc, how could that be? I had a strong case of the pox as a child, wasnt I immune to them? Oh No, he says, there are different strains of chicken pox and just because you have them and get an immunity to one strain, does not mean that you will not catch another strain of them if you are exposed. The most miserable week of my life, I was literally COVERED with the pox, itchy, low fever, achy and worst of all ruined my tan that I had worked for 3 months on, when it was over, I was polka dotted from the pox taking my tan out of those spots!
OK, so it's not pox, which I was so prepared to go ahead and get it over with dangit...:lol::lol::lol: He is having an allergic reaction to the medicine they put him on 7 days ago for a double ear infection... amoxicillian (sp?) Anyway, this is a first for him, but I'm just glad to know what it is. Thanks everyone for your well wishes... he is doing much better today!!!! MN
Well, so much for doing better. For the last 24 hours lil one has been complaining that his legs hurt. Doesn't want to walk, go upstairs and crys when you bend his legs to change a diaper. :cry::cry::cry: Went to the DR. and they said he is still having part of the allergic reaction to the antibiotic he was on.... They said it is common for the joints to swell and for the kids to have joint pain. Motrin and benedryl for the next 24 hours and he has to go back tomorrow. If he is not better they will do x-rays and go from there. He is just so active... it breaks my heart to see him not want to walk, play, run ... nothing.... wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :cry::cry::cry: