I am such a softie for dogs! DH and I added a new member to our family. Long story short, Puppies were born Jan. 29th. Mom died just 1 day shy of their 2 wk birthday. My niece and her DH volunteered to bottle feed 2 of the 10 pups. I fell in love! She and her DH are keeping the little girl (Ms. Minnie) and Dh and I are keeping the boy (Hendrix). They turned 3 weeks old last Thursday and are doing great. They are soooo rotten! If you put them in the little basket for 2 secs, they start crying. They are "hold me" babies. Our little man comes and spends time with us on weekends and in the evenings. He stays with his sister at my nieces house during the weekdays due to the feeding schedule. I truly didn't want another pet due to the amount of money I spend on Vet bits because I am an overprotective mom, but I absolutely fell in love. They are 3/4 lab and 1/4 hound (approx) = Mutts...the best! I will try and post pics....especially of them sucking on their pacifiers!
girl you are hopeless, how do you think i ended up living in a zoo:lol: But i cannot wait to see the pics either.
Can't wait to see pictures! I've found myself looking online at dogs................what the heck is wrong with me?? One puppy is enough, LOL.
Awww how precious! That is why I still have 3 dogs! Made the mistake of mentioning how adorable these cocker spaniel puppies were and then after Belle passed, I ended up with a pup from the guys at work, and she is a MESS!!!!
i have learned how to say no pretty much - now if someone had a Papion (sp?) or an Eskimo Spitz that needed rescuing i don't know how strong i would be:lol:
I know...I'm suck a sucker! There's one little boy left! That are so sweet and cuddly! I am dreading another puppy stage though!!
I'm trying! My digital broke (dang it) and my niece took bunches of pics...now she's gotta upload them! I want to show my lil fellow off!
Okay...I've never had a pup this young! I don't remembering the deworming of my other dogs when they were being babies as being traumatizing. I have been traumatized!
I am using liquid and he takes it very well....doesn't like the taste but we always follow it up with something yummy! It's working...that's where the trauma comes in!! I am also treating Presley and Lisa-Marie as a precaution.
That's what I figured you meant. I have experienced it once, and I'm glad the vet told me what could happen ahead of time. I would have thought she was dying! Who knew there could be that many in such a tiny little body? :ack:
oic poor pup. . .good idea to treat the others too Now what about pics? Not expelled worms ewwww. . .but cute puppy pics We've been patient so far. . .