
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ShrtnSwt, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    Who is using embarq for internet? Are you having problems?
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    If they are having problems they might not see your post! 8)
  3. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I did have a probelm up until last Monday but I went an entire week and did not report it. After reporting it they came out and fixed it ASAP and there have not been any problems since. Just give them a call and don't wait like I did.
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Embarq sucks. We were without service for several hours last night and then off and on again today. I'm getting ready to dump them and go back to roadrunner.
  5. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    Same here! We called last night and we called today. They said that the Central office in Rocky Mount which covers all of NC was out and having problems.

    We have had problems with them over the last couple of months. Big problems so yes we have called at least 5 times a week. I am taking online courses through JCC and can't be without the internet.
  6. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    No problems here, but I wasn't on last night.
  7. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    I've been off and on all day (only thing TO do!) No probs.
  8. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

    I've had very few problems with Embarq. Every now and then you have to turn off the modem for a while and let it reset and there's always the occasional server problem, but overall it's been pretty good.

  9. Steeler_Fan

    Steeler_Fan Well-Known Member

    They have been great for me, though this past week they have had some problems. One of the Redbacks keeps going down. I have roadrunner and it goes down at least 6 times a week. The fact that I work from home a fair amount, I need to have both.
  10. TheSantaFeMan

    TheSantaFeMan Active Member

    no problems

    I've had two problems in four years. One was my router. Had to upgrade at no charge to me and had it in two days. The other was after a software install. I had intermittent connection issues. Called and they walked me through a process that took about a minute and I was back up. As far as the server going down, I think that has only happened once but that can and will happen with anyone.
  11. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    I was on Friday night, and most of the day yesterday, no problems at all. In fact, I haven't had to reset the modem in months.
  12. B&L'SMoM

    B&L'SMoM Guest

    I have been with embarq for 2 months Never Had a problem.Just as fast as Roadrunner.
  13. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Ours has been down all day until now. I've reset the stupid modem at least 50 times since yesterday. I've called before and they keep me on the phone forever only to leave me with the same problem!!! I hate embarq.
  14. Steeler_Fan

    Steeler_Fan Well-Known Member

    You need to call tell them they need to roll truck to your location and get it fixed. I would not put up with the problems you have. Also another message board I belong to has an embarq tech that monitors the boards, and has helped me several times, when calling would not help with the problem. If you want the info please let me know.
  15. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I would love to have the info. Thank you!!!
  16. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    We've had Earthlink, which then that became Embarq for prob 5 yrs or more. I rarely have problems but did a few times last month, called and they sent me new filters for static on my 'dish' phone line. Then a few weeks later when I called again, the guy did some sort of 'upgrade' to my equipment (from his end) and its been working fine ever since.
  17. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    Could you pm me the info too please?

    Michelle ours went down again today. I don't know what time it came back up b/c I left the house.
  18. Aglassnut

    Aglassnut Well-Known Member

    Here's a number that may not keep you on hold as long

    888-723-8010 Press 1 and then 0

  19. Steeler_Fan

    Steeler_Fan Well-Known Member

    Here a link to the board.


    You can send a PM on that board to Embarq_Joey

    or email him with your problems and info. You will see on the boards he part of embarq. I have sent him my info before and talked to him several times, always very helpful.

    Joey H.
    Embarq Reach Out
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Hate Embarq, aka Sprint. One of th worst companies for customer service on the face of the planet.

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