Maybe he'll go back to Deanna next. He's an idiot! She was right not to pick him except the way she treated Jesse, I think they kind of deserve each other. I feel sorriest for Ty.
Yea - I was wondering about Ty too. He said they'd spent holidays etc together - I wonder how much Ty was there - the whole situation has to be very confusing for him. I felt SO bad for Melissa...but she handled it pretty well - speaks volumes about her I think, of course - I'm sure it hit her harder when she got over the anger!
watch that video I posted, Kimmel asks him about Ty and all that...he explains it, and it makes sense, the toolbag he is.
Geesh! You girls are ridiculous. We're talking 6 weeks here. You tell me there are not OTHERS in real life who dated someone for 6 weeks and after all that "tingly feel good" stuff goes away and you're standing there saying, "hmmm, what do we do now?" Obviously it wasn't for him and he did the RIGHT thing by ending it .... and it seems Melissa WAS expecting this because she was NOT wearing the ring when she came on the stage last night. He was under contract to do it ON TV so I'm sure had that contract not been there he would have done it in private. :? Jason is still a GOOD person, a GOOD man, a GOOD dad who deserves love. Anyone who says otherwise is just being pi**y because Melissa got dumped. :? Speaking of Melissa... I think she is too clingy in a desparate kind of way and that is why guys keep dumping her......:mrgreen:
I call BS! He is the most confused man I have ever seen and he frickin cries all the time! MAN UP! Thats what he needs to do!
cut the guy some slack.. he has some emotion and can cry is it that bad... At least he had the nuts to kick her to the curb... :grouphug:
I've never watched it. Call me crazy, (and to be honest, I love some Survivor) but there is something a little distubing about trying to find a spouse on a TV show. But to each his own! :cheers: Heck, I met DH in a Hardee's parking lot, so whose to say. :lol: :lol: :lol:
it is trash tv at its finest! i used to love me some survivor but it has gone down hill alot in recent years. its coming up on 20 years on tv....can you believe it?!
I don't think it's been on 20 years, I think it's coming up on 20 seasons, they do about 2 a year or so. Lord, if it's been 20 years, heaven help us all! :lol: But yeah, I never used to miss an episode, but the last, not so much. I don't even remember their names now til they get down to the last handful.
:cheers: I can agree with that! Although there are a couple this season that are pretty easy on the eyes.
but of course.....they must always have some beautiful people on there! they are hot but i bet they stank! eeewww!
Call it what you want.... What is BS is everyone judging him all in the name of entertainment. LOTS of men AND women do this EVERYDAY in the privacy of their own little worlds. All the girls knew this was a public thing they would go through, good, bad or indifferent. So maybe Melissa needs to suck it up. He deserves happiness just like every person does....