We are looking for great local singers! Please email: homeofthebrave2009@gmail.com if you are interested in auditioning for a show coming to the Clayton Center September 19,2009. We are looking for adult soloists (18 and over) male and female, duets are welcome. In an effort to keep auditions organized appts are being made for two available audition dates this month and will be held in Garner. Please email for details or call 919-673-4660. More details on the show will be available to the public soon soon....Thanks!
I can do a little TK for ya. I don't know if that's what you're looking for, but I'll give it a shot. Mike
Well, if I went, I would make you all sound great. My husband makes the ugliest faces at me while I'm singing when I have my Ipod on....... it still doesn't stop me....lol
Hey would love to have ya...in fact have a Toby Keith song in the show email me...can you make it march 12..i will send you location of audition..I just want to keep track of whose coming ..thanks...Em
Event Sorry not a paying gig, no it's a fundraising event and I am sure it will very entertaining..more details will be provided to the public within the next 30 days as everything as all the details are refined ..right now we are doing preliminary auditions and more will be explained during the auds....
Seriously JK & Peppercorns CAN SING their *** off!!! Come on it's for charity ya'll!!! I KNOW you want to do it! :lol:
Let me know the time since I work in Fayetteville. If it's in the evening, it's no problem otherwise, I'll need to try to arrange for some time off. Mike
You're looking for vocalists, I presume. IS the back up a band or group, or karaoke type? Need any Joe Walsh, Eagles, Huey Lewis?
This is a variety show featuring dancing, singing, live and recorded scores, fully choreographed and for a good cause. The auditions will allow participants to be matched with songs that best suit their range and personality. Hmmm, does this mean your interested in singing?
Wow, I am torn about whether to do this or not. You see, I LOVE to sing, and am pretty good at it, but I am TERRIFIED of performing on stage alone. I do have a wide singing range, and can do most any style. I need some arm twisting.
ok ok I PMed - Have no idea what we are doing but OK. hey.... I have sung with Glassnut before.....lol.
Stage Fright We have a great team and we will all be there for each other. Believe me I get stage fright too but the nice thing is you will feel better after we do numerous rehearsals and the day of the performance - we will all be there for each other backstage - you will be fine. I tremble every time I perform and feel like I am going to pass out, but knowing I have the support of my team members before and after my performance makes the difference and it will be good for you. If you can get through the auditions you will be fine - trust me. If you like you can come on down - there's no obligation but we can definately use your talent and I think you will feel comfortable. You are not being judged persay--this is nto American Idol but we will assess your vocals and see what songs will suit you. We have a great choreographer, costume consultant and director and we will make you feel at home! Come on down! You can call me if you desire at 673-4660. Em
ok so jusy how many 4042.ers are going/?????????? chickens!!!! I am going ..despite just getting out of the hospital last week...I might be ok or I might stink.. but at least I tried.
well good gosh, if you guys get into this thing, i will definitely have to come to it - you, like Pepper, have a beautiful voice:hurray: