MICHELLE> girl. wanna share some of that? <------------(your avatar) Where are you finding these? Did someone just turn up the heat or what?!?!:drool:
Oh those guys? They're both on the 50-210 fire dept. :jester: (I wish! I would be calling 911 every day) :mrgreen:
That is awesome Michelle!! Way to go girl!! :hurray: You weren't by any chance at the Subway at 210 on Thursday were you???
Thinking . . . . actually yes I was. I think it was around 5:00ish. Did you see me? Please tell me you weren't sitting in there and I didn't recognize you cause I would feel awful.
How could you guys be at a Subway and still lose weight? I drive past and smell it and gain weight! What is the secret? Tell me!
Jared? Jared WHO? Tell me what you order there that helps you lose weight. The bread alone with all those carbs. Are you sure? Or are you there just for Jared?
Choose wheat bread, no cheese, no mayo and so oils. Look at one of their napkins and it will tell you the fat content.
It ain't about the carbs, it's about your total calorie intake vs your total calorie expenditure. You can do low carb diets if that is what works for ya, but unless your total calories are less than you burn , you still won't lose weight. Been there, done that. Anyway, Jared is a spokesperson for Subway who lost a whole lot of weight eating subs from there for most of his meals. He's been on their commercials for years.
It doesnt HELP you lose weight, but it doesnt HURT you. You gotta remember there are good carbs, and bad carbs ... we still need fiber, so order a whole grain or wheat bread ... on the Weight Watchers plan, you can still eat just about anything within reason. It's just all about learning your limits and portion control. THAT is the hard part!
I cant go to the 8:30 OR the 10am meeting next weekend. I just remembered that I have to work 7am-7pm shift at work - I think next week, and the following week - I'm covering for someone. I guess I'll have to go weigh-in on Thursday night. I'll miss y'all!! Ack - only four more days until weigh-in, instead of 6!! *panic*
I go to Subway for their salads. I think they put crack in them because I eat one EVERY day!! I can get 2 or 3 meals out of just 1 of their salads. :lol: Yes, I am a Subway junkie!!!
Oh no....now I feel bad. I thought that was you but I didn't wanna look like a doofus if it wasn't. I could only see you from the side. You didn't look towards me at all. I was behind the man that was behind you. Next time I will speak up and yell "Hey is your name Michelle?" LOL
I know who is Jared now. You are right. Portion control is a big problem. Maybe I will try Subway one day. I used to eat it alot in the one on the 50 Hwy, until the guy said you back again? Never went back in years.