How many servings do you guess that would make? I just ran it through weight watchers recipe builder and took a wild guess that it was 12 servings and it came up to be 5 points per serving. Do you think 12 was a safe guess?
I would say its way less than 12 servings.....its only a cup, or maybe a little over a cup, of ingredients....ya know? mayo and butter= no no:neutral:
You have made me VERY afraid to step on the scales. I had japanese Saturday night and yesterday for lunch and I wasn't skimpy on the sauce. Why must everything that tastes so good be so bad for us?
I wasn't trying to scare you sister, I sorry. And there are LOTS of things that are super yummy, that ARE good for you's just harder! dernit!
I'm supposed to be counting points but I ain't. Can I borrow flex points from next week to use this week, or can I buy some more points? :mrgreen: Did I mention that I've had japanese twice since the weekend and had it twice last week. Oh, I've been a bad girl. In the voice of Achmed the Terrorist - - I'm not a very good weight watcher.
Didnt get to go tonite, just got off work ... and going to have to go back to work at 3am. Cant go on Saturday cuz of work ... just gonna have to miss a week.
I saw Bren today and she weighs about 5 lbs! Honey you are doing soooooo good!!!! I cant wait to see you NEXT week!!!!!!!! <DH and I love you >
I wish I hadn't gone. I gained 2 more pounds. :? I feel so incredibly discouraged right now. Gaining like this on top of all the health nonsense and financial stuff that's now facing me is absolutely killing me. Good luck this weekend ladies. I'll see you next Saturday.
HG, where were your glasses??? I think those ML's went straight to your brain!! Ahhh yes, next week. :mrgreen: It was great seeing you and meeting your DH. You were right, he is a hottie. He ALMOST took his shirt off. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Don't get down on yourself beuna! It didn't go on overnight and it's not gonna come off overnight. There are going to be setbacks along the way. Just remember today is a new day! <----- That's the thing I'm really working on!
You gotta remember you were weighing in at the END of the day, when you're used to weighing in at the START of the day ... that makes a big difference too - the way our weight can fluctuate so much all within just the period of the day! Dont give up, and dont obsess about it ... keep doing your best. You're doing so outstanding overall ... look at what you've accomplished so far!
It's ok! I myself have gained between 4 and 5 lbs. this week but I know exactly why . . . eating like a pig, time of month, Friday the 13th, etc. :mrgreen: Today is a new day. Look forward not backward! I'm not gonna give up and neither should you! Good luck this week.