Dog Park in Clayton

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by VivianS, Mar 13, 2009.

  1. VivianS

    VivianS Well-Known Member

    There have been a couple of meetings, (the last one didn't have many people), but if anyone is interested in getting a dog park in Clayton, please express your interest! The more that show they want one, the better chance of it happening! Send letters, emails, or call!

    Larry Bailey, Director
    Clayton Parks and Recreation Department
    P.O. Box 879, Clayton, NC 27528

    Wouldn't it be nice to not have to drive to Raleigh to bring your dogs to the park?
  2. cathy0517

    cathy0517 Well-Known Member

    :iagree: I will send an email right now!
  3. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Honestly Vivian, I wouldn't relish a dog park here in Johnston County.

    I plan to send out an email to Mr. Bailey encouraging him not to agree to one.

    If anyone has ever been to a dog park with their beloved pet and watched their dog run happily with other dogs, and then see someone enter the park with a few aggressive dogs and set them free and watch, helplessly, as those dogs chased their young dog literally into a fence and attack it, they wouldn't be too thrilled at the thought of going back to one. Quincy went to the dog park 6 times, the first 5 times, he had a blast, the 6th time. . .those dogs messed him up - NEVER again and I would never want to see anyone's dogs hurt. Build a fence, invite friends over with nice dogs, allow them to meet and play. Don't have a fence or the money for one? Find a friend with a fence and let your dogs become friends.

    You can't fix stupid - and you can't control all of the fools who have dogs that aren't friendly with other dogs (or perhaps they have unsocialized dogs and don't even know it) and turn them loose to prey on whatever dogs might be seen as easy pickins.

    There are hundreds of pages on the net regarding some horrible things that happen at dog parks, here are just a few:

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