Is this really such a hard concept to grasp? I have had many near misses coming out of White Oak because people don't seem to understand what this sign means. I just had another near miss on 42 coming out of the road by Golden Corral. I had my green right turn arrow and as I'm turning here comes a lady yacking on her cell phone who attempts a u-turn right at me. And of course she is the one yelling at me and giving me the finger! :banghead: I have no idea how we did not collide. Does this bug anyone else or is it just me? Well, just needed to vent a little. Thanks for listening! :mrgreen:
It bugs me! It happens to me coming out of White Oak all the time. All I can think of is that the person who is U-turning must think I have a red light and am making a right on red?????? DB's wife
Happens all the time! Very frustrating. My other current driving pet peeve is those folks that don't understand what the big arrows painted on the pavement mean in parking lots. If your dumb butt is going the wrong way, don't give me the stink eye! On a related note, my BIL's brother (we got Molly from them) accidentally pulled out in front of someone night in Winston the other night. He's ok, the other driver has broken arms and both cars are totaled. That's going to be a terribly expensive mistake, and he's lucky he didn't get killed or kill the other driver. No excuses for him by any means, but time to make sure you've got really good insurance. :? We had an insurance person at work the other day, and I think I am going to bump mine up and get an umbrella policy. Scared the crap out of me.
We have an umbrella policy! I was going to Raleigh a couple of hours ago. I was going down 40 doing the speed limit. Mind you the roads are wet but I look and out of the blue there is a car on the shoulder flying past me. He continued right on the shoulder going as fast as he could. It's Saturday there wasn't that much traffic on the roads. I wanted to call it in but he went so fast I wasn't sure as to what kind of car. Just a white one is all I know.
Maybe he had to stinky real bad. Lord knows I've run a few lights in my time for that reason. :mrgreen:
Two things bugging me lately, in Smithfield. Bridge street, taking a left on Front Street (you're going to make a turn onto the street running next to the little Brown Jug), there is NO stop sign. I know it's funny, people, may not even feel right, but it's a free flowing left turn. Just freakin' GO. Then front street, taking a right onto Market. The people making a left hand turn across from me DO NOT have the right of way. The least they have is the left hand lane to turn in, and I'll take the right. I have a green arrow. I go first. Geez.
I moved here from Long Island NY (stop giving me dirty looks LOL) last January. Driving here is a PLEASURE compared to here. I have seen some dumb stuff here but its nothing compared to what I am used to. If anything most people are to nice when they drive and hold the works up here. My pet peeve is I prefer to pull into the intersection to make a left turn instead of staying behind the line(shortens distance to make turn and sometimes get a better look at whats coming).
people dont realize that there are people to the left of them with a green right turn arrow b/c they have a green left arrow as well. i'm embarrassed to say it took me a while to realize it. i didnt know until i was making a right turn and then someone else was making a u-turn and we almost collided. i was like "ooooh that's what the sign's for" lol
HATE this! I truly wonder how half the people on the road even passed their driving test!! :banghead:
...and did you ever see how many of them are driving pretty carelessly because they are talking on their cell phone. Sometimes (yes, I get bored easily) I'll sit at a red traffic light and watch the cars go by and see how many are on their cell phones. The number is pretty high. Personally, I just can't imagine what is that important to talk about.
Oh man, driving around here makes my head hurt. The U-turns are ridiculous, especially since most of the people making the U-turn at White Oak are just going into the entrance by the Best Buy. Really, 'cuz it would be too inconvenient to just make the left and turn in at the first light? I wish they'd make that a no U-turn light. By biggest pet peeve has got to be the people in the left hand lane on the highway with 5-10 car lengths of space between them and the car traffic. If it's raining or snowing, okay. In clear conditions...move up so it's less than 3 car lengths or get over. Recently I realized that southerners don't understand the concept of a 4-way stop sign. They may not be common here, but it's not really a hard concept to grasp. And actually, southerners should do it better than most, as it really is very polite. Yet every day I see people just sit there forever, as if they're the only one with a stop sign. And they need to air a public service announcement reminding people how to use the turn lane. It is not necessary to get into the turn lane half a mile from where you intend to turn...seriously, someone's going to hit you head on and you're probaby going to think it's there fault. Adversly, it is recommended that you get into the turn lane before it becomes necessary to slam on your breaks in order to actually make the turn. Finally, I'd like to mention the rubbernecking. If whatever is going on on the side of the road, or the opposite side of the highway, is notable, it will be in tomorrow's newspaper. Read about it then. If you have to know sooner, check Don't gridlock the highway so you can nose into someone else's business. Sigh, I guess I can't complain too much. Except for the rubbernecking gridlocks, traffic down here is pretty much nonexistant. And, although I would prefer to take a train to work, at least I don't have to pay $36 a day to park.
i'm not so sure there is a stop sign there but i'll check it out the next time i go by. i would say that 95% of people that go that way stop to see if anything is coming. i think its just crazy for someone to make a left turn and not check the other way to see if anything is coming.