Noone should ever drink & drive,but for what the info is worth...Went there tonight (it was great as usual). But there was a highway patrol car hiding in the back. He went after the first of 2 cars that pulled out infront of me. Then i saw another one, & a JoCo sherriff all before I hit CVS.
Well..... If people drive drunk (and there are plenty of them) then they deserve to be "targeted." Zipping up suit because I know I'm going to get flamed for saying this about the local watering hole.
i think is it great! i have seen people stumble out of the joint and drive right on! this is where we all drive everyday all day! CDH better keep a closer eye on the drunks or they will get busted!
They should be paying more attention to those who leave in a condition where they cannot drive. My wife and I had a late lunch/early dinner on the outside patio at a similar establishment back in the fall when a young lady tried to leave and could not even find her car. The man at the table next to us went inside and I tried to intercept her before she tried to drive. The waitress got some of her friends to come out (she worked at a restaraunt nearby with them) but they were in no conditition to drive her home even though they were in better shape. The bartender finally offered to call her a cab, but I suspect she could not afford it by her reaction. My wife and I offered her a ride home since it was only a couple of miles and I pointed out that there was a high probability that one of us patrons would call the cops if she tried to drive. We got her home and to her door, which required some help since she could barely walk. There were two spots where there were cars parked on both sides of the road in such a fashion that I was forced to be very careful to drive between I really doubt if she would have made it if she had gotten that far. I hope her parents were understanding that she really did the responsible thing by leaving the vehicle and getting a ride home. I also hope that she would not have accepted the ride if my wife had not been there too, for her safety in the future.
I don't have a problem with it. I'd rather that, then someone on here (or anyone!) getting hurt or killed.
I have no problem whatsoever. I'm planning on going to this event tonight where I know I will be drinking and I have already made all my plans for how I will get back from there without getting behind the wheel. I support all efforts by law enforcement to keep drunk drivers off the road.
Good enough!!! It is really good to know that the people who are trying to enforce public safety are doing their jobs. Up North the police would never sit outside of a bar and wait to catch the drunks, I believe that if you are not responsible enough to make the right choices than you should bear the consequences for the acts you may commit by not thinking in advance. I do not drink so I have NO Problems with the law enforcement officials taking these criminals off the roads. I will feel safer knowing that at least they are attempting to make the roads safer for the law abiding citizens.
I'm out and about lots late at night and have seen the law staking out the surrounding area of the CDH on HWY 42 a number of times. BRAVO! I hate being on the road when the vehicle in front of me or behind me is obviously being driven by someone who has no business being behind the wheel. There is nothing cool about driving drunk - yet I've heard a number of people actually brag about how they can drink quite a bit and still drive fine. . .scary. On a similar subject, I'm pleased to see that over the past week there have been drivers pulled over between Pleasant Coats Road (right near the Shell Station) and the Food Lion parking lot on HWY 210 (at I-40) People whip through there and ignore that 35 mph speed limit. Too many accidents there! Maybe some rumble strips will slow drivers down :idea:
Wayne we disagree politically but that was a very honorable thing to do and I hope the girl realizes what you did for her. Well done.
Thank you. I beleive she may, as some of her friends spoke to us about it later when we dined in the restaurant where they worked. I imagine there are more similarities between many of us here than we know. I know there are those who do more to help than is generally known especially in times of need. The politics may come and go but we are still a civilized people .... with the exception of maybe a very few.
I've lost 5 people to drinking and driving ..... It hits home with me. I will not let anyone I am with DND .... if they want to throw down or have the cops called on them... then so be it. I would do it because I love them.
Yep, I've said on here before that they should stalk the local bars. Just putting the info out there so that everyone KNOWS to call a cab, etc. You should do that anyways, but if you know they are watching, maybe you'll pay extra attention. Even if you get away without causing a wreck (it aint an accident if you've been drinking), the fines, lawyer bills, etc are crazy high. Got 2 friends now that are going through the legal system for it, and it aint pretty. Enjoy yourself, but be responsible about it. Secondly, pay attention to your surroundings. On my way to my truck I noticed a running HP cruiser in the far corner. The 2 cars that left before me had no clue. I only hope they were as sober as I was (thought about doing like the "designated decoy" joke someone posted on here before, but didnt think he'd find it funny).