I was at the emergency room till 3am last night with my daughter. I have never in her 8 years of life seen her with such a high fever. Almost 104, they took her in really fast, I'm thinking cause of the fever and wouldn't let her go home till they got it down. Ran all kinds of test, xray's to figure what could have caused it. Found nothing, so the doc said the only thing she could have thought of is just a virus. She had stomach cramps on Saturday with a very bad headache, but she never got sick, Sat her temp was around 100 and just got worse on Sunday and nothing I gave her would keep it down. Just very strange. She is better today all bundled up on the recliner, her temp is 99.8 this morning. They have me giving her tylenol every four hours and then also moltrin every 4 hours, so ever two hours she is taken something. I thought that was a bit much, but it's working. I will have to say I never gave her moltrin before last night, and that seem to be the only thing that would get the fever down. Just thought I see if anyone else kiddo's are dealing with the high fever as well. Sheri
this lady at work just described that same scenario to a tee....she had the exact same thing with her daughter over the weekend.....her daughter is 9 and goes to McGee's Elementary.....they told her daughter she had the flu. Hope she feels better soon.
My Grandson was also sick on Saturday night. Same symptoms. Took him to doctor today and he also said that there is a very strong flu-like virus going around right now so be careful out there. Wife had it last week. Doctor prescribed Erythomiciyn(sp) for my Grandson.
She is feeling better, but not herself still. Must be going around or something this is the first time in a couple of years that she has been sick enough to keep her out of school. The doc said that it was possible with the flu, but at the point last night there was nothing they could give her cause it wasn't bacterial and it had been a couple of days since she started the symptoms.
anything over 102 skers the shizzle out of me!!! i dont sleep and pace the floor with worry!! hope she feels better soon!!
I understand what you saying and really I didn't think as much as it at first and figured just keep pumping her with meds, but eyes were just blood shot and she was just looking so bad, never seen her like that ever. But, when I got her to the hospital, they were like "why didn't you bring her in sooner"? I got chewed out big time, so I wasn't feeling to great about myself last night for waiting like I did. They said the chance of seizures is higher when her temp was climbing fast like it was. They scared me enough not to play with something like that.
well I will tell you this, I'm sold on it now..cause Tylenol didn't get it down here at home, and when they gave her a double dose of Motrin there, it was amazing how different she looked and acted with in a couple of hours. She finally asked for her DS lol. I will now always keep it here at home. Sheri
I hope they both feel better soon! It scared the crap out of me, she is not one of those kids that gets sick often if at all. She as been very lucky, so this was a big deal for me. Sheri
Good decision on your end to take her to the hospital. Don't care what anyone says, anything over 101 degrees and I take mine. I know times have changed on that and all but a mama knows that gut feeling. Please keep us abreast of the little one. Sherry
Thanks a lot Sherry! I know you know how I am with her! She is doing homework that she was suppose to do last night, sometimes she just surprises me with stuff like that. She isn't eating all that much, but as long as she drinks I'm ok with it. Sheri
A couple of weeks ago ds2 had a fever. It went to 101 and I loaded him up on motrin and tylenol. What ever it was only lasted that night. I kept him home from school the next day and he was fine. Played all day...
You can actually give motrin and tylenol concurrently. Sounds crazy but it works. Doc told us to do that and we have to be extremely careful b/c of multiple disorders and strong meds some of our kids are already on. First time I did it I was leary but works like a charm. Reason they can go at the same time is we are told they follow different metabolic pathways. Don't ask me to explain it--LOL. Doc did. 2 of mine due to their birth background get fevers of 104/ 105 when they're sick so that doesn't scare me like it used to. When it's a 105 and I can't lower it w/in an hour, I start to get worried. Now I know thought to keep a lookout for this virus though. URGHH. I have one that has to go on IV fluids when he gets sick usually and that is just forever for a kid to sit there for that bag to drain. That is one crazy virus! Hope none of mine get it. So glad ot hear your daughter is feeling better though. Good luck everyone. Also happy to hear that it sounds like a short-lived virus. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Thanks, I can understand now how it works, but for me it was weird to double dose like that. But, has worked wonders for her today. I just wish she would take a nap lol. She is pretty much just sitting in the chair not doing much, but a nap would be nice. Now I know what to do in the future. Like I said 8 years old and has never ran a fever like that, so she is a very lucky girl Yes seems short lived, just headache and fever. Sheri
I agree on the Motrin. When DD was little I used it a lot and I agree that it works better than Tylenol.
Sherri, glad she is feeling better! Need anything, let us know. A word of warning to all: never double dose Tylenol!! It can cause liver failure(where it is processed). Motrin is processed by the kidneys.
My DD has the same thing. Her temperatures have been at 103. Took her to the urgent care today and they did strept and flu tests and said that they were negative. Said that it was a virus. She has been in bed for 2 days now and it looks like tomorrow will be the 3rd. Definitely flu like symptoms, and she hasn't been sick like this in at least 2 years! Motrin rotated with tylenol is something the docs like to do because some people respond differently to each med...and this way there is medication in their systems around the clock and keeping the temperature down. (sorry...i'm an RN...had to put my 2 cents in...) I always use Motrin, though...it always works. Tylenol doesn't seem to get the job done for me or mine. Hope your daughter feels better!
i think i have this virus -whatever it is-. i was taking tylenol cold medicine but it wasnt doing the trick so i took some aleve as well. seems to be working better. btw can anyone recommend a good dr in the 40/42/clayton area for this?? i usual go to a doc in the box for things like this but they have really gone downhill lately. it used to be that you go go in and out real quick and problem solved, but now you wait forever and the dr doesnt even treat you like a living being