Continuing with the theme of where this thread is going... I'll have to charge you 19.99 for the 15 min DVD version of what I can do. :twisted: will be copyrighted!:lol:
I have a DVD that came with mine that has about a 30 minute workout. First it shows you step by step how to do the exercises and then it has the workout itself.
obviously it doesn't take much for us to steer off the beaten path to be naughty..... all of you!! 8)
I found a Wii Fit! Yay me!! If I don't report back on it in a few days, send out the rescue squad! :jester:
GameStop on New Bern Ave at the Walmart shopping center. They had just gotten in new ones, $89. 212-0727 if anyone wants to see if they still have more, they won't hold them though. It was funny when the salesperson answered the phone, he says "GameStop where we buy and sell new and used video games AND we have Wii and Wii Fit in stock". I didn't know what to say after he got all that out, and I realized he said they had 'em in stock...all I could spit out was that I'd be right over! LOL
I guess.. its got the cd and the balance board, I have some small weights of my own that I can add to the workouts and we'll see as I get into it what other accessories I might need to get.
My aunt said she likes the yoga like pad that you put under it or behind it. That was one extra thing she got. I think she said something else, but it just isn't coming to me at the moment.
I've actually seen different modules for the wii fit for sale as well, such as the yoga, and step training, and a few others. not mention that there are other games that use use the balance board as well, such as Shaun White Snowboarding. Craig