Anyone ever done it? My only qualm on these pre-packaged type diets is, what happens when you stop buying their food? Just curious if anyone had any experience with it.
my mother used that for a while and lost about 20 pounds. But it was most likely because the food was nasty, and when she quit buying it, she gained it all back plus some...I actually tasted one of the things from there, and they are disgusting:ack:
My mom bought it, and had a few meals out of it, lost a few pounds and the remainder of the months worth of food is still in the box in the basement. It is 3 years old, the sad part is its probably still good when rehydrated. She had chosen her food off of the regular food menu. My neighbor did it for a month or 2, I don't think she lost more than a few pounds, and threw out what was left of her last box of food, i'm guess it was probably 2-3 weeks worth of stuff. She had chosen her food off the vegetarian menu that they offer.
My sister in law did it and lost weight...but she still eats the food and it looks gross....but I think now she is accustomed to the food. You can get it at big Lots.
I just started NutriSystem 12 days ago & I'm down 8 lbs. I'm plan on staying with NutriSystem at least until this Summer. So far the food isn't too bad. I didn't realize they sold the food at Big Lots - I may have to check that out. I'm the worst about planning & measuring food so this sort of diet is easier for me. I really had to laugh at the portion sizes. After seeing the size of the meals I was "supposed" to be eating, I'm sure that was a huge portion of the reason I have managed to reach the weight I am today. I'm not a couch potatoe ... but I was obviously eating w-a-y too much.
a friend of mine ordered it, tasted the 1st item, boxed it up and sent it back.....said it was most nasty!
If you can eat lean cuisines, healthy choice, or any other of the frozen meals, then you can do nutri-system too. same kinda foods. I actually love the lean cuisines, but dont eat them anymore due to the salt content....
I got it for my daughter (she was 18) a few years ago... she said it was disgusting, so she didnt want to continue. I thought it was just another excuse so I tried some, BLAAA. I couldnt finish the meal. Now again, that was 2-3 years ago, so maybe it has improved. I took a great big box to basic needs! I love the idea, no calorie counting etc.... so if the food is better now, maybe it would be the way to go.
One of my clients lost a lot of weight on Nutri System. She told me she tried a lot of different items off their menu before she found a number of things that she liked, and then stuck with those. She was on it regularly for a year and looks great - she said she now does NS meals 3 days a week to maintain the loss. She did say that she bought a bag of salad stuff each week and some fresh low cal veggies to steam to go with meals. I hadn't seen her in person for about a 6 month stretch and was shocked how great she looked. She did say though that it's a total life style change - not just diet. When she lost about half the weight, she started hitting the gym and faithfully works out an hour a day, even if she's at home on her treadmill. She also mentioned that even when she isn't on her NS days of eating, her food choices are far different from what they were before. Never heard of a retailer carrying it before seeing it posted here though - that might save a lot of $.
Ditto! When I find them on sale at Wally World or where ever I stock up. 2 bucks for a meal is awesome! Then if you have a green salad with it or a cup of carrots. Pfft... Jenny Craig eat your heart out!:lol: buy the packaged food and lose weight. do you stay on it forever? why not just find healthy ways to eat and not waste money?
Some ways work for some folks and some for others, guess everyone has to find what works for them and from what i understand the one-on-one meetings with a counselor make a huge difference.
BINGO!!! Seriously tho - I guess these types of programs are good for getting people started on things like portion control and better choices. It can be overwhelming when trying to make those decisions on your own - it just takes descipline and patience (to see results) and then stay motivated to keep it off.
Men's Health magazine advises against this system, saying it is not a true measure of how to value food properly. In their study, according to Nutrisystem a Snickers bar was more healthy than a bowl of mixed vegetables..because of that glycemic index.
If Nutrisystem stated that - they aren't alone Hidden calories/carbs/glucose are all over the map. In order to eat healthy, people need to educate themselves and not just trust the side of a package and just consider the calorie or fat content of something and then put it in their mouth. Any of these packaged food diets will give someone an idea of how large their portions should be. Get used to those portions and eventually you learn to eyeball real food and maintain. They serve a purpose, especially if you live alone - you have a complete meal you don't have to monkey around with - no temptation to over-eat, so long as you don't go cook up another entree. Americans, in particular, tend to eat huge portions and then look at the size of a frozen Lean Cuisine and laugh - or be like my DH who says, "Well, that's a nice little snack, where's dinner?" Of course, he weighs the same 178 pounds he's weighed since I met him over 25 years ago. . .one of those freaks of nature who can eat a bloody bag of chips, chase them with a few beers (not lite beer either) go back for seconds at dinner time, and an hour later put away a quart of ice cream, complete with topping and never gain an ounce! I hate people like that :evil: :lol: