West Smithfield To Become Year-Round School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by reeteach2, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    From http://www.1270wmpm.com/

    West Smithfield Elementary School will become the first public school in Johnston County to operate year-round. The Board of Education approved a pilot program at West Smithfield to try the year-round calendar as a way to help at-risk students. The year-round schedule will cost an additional $60,000 at West Smithfield, money that will be paid for with grants and state education funding. The school board has also encouraged South Smithfield and Selma Elementary Schools to consider adopting year-round calendars. West Smithfield will start on their new schedule in August.
  2. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    oh, I'm not so sure about year round schools.
  3. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    If that happens at my son's school...Which I seriously doubt would happen...I'm starting homeschooling!

    Damn infectious wake county schools. Keep crazy on the other side of the county line!:)
  4. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  5. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I love our Year round school! The kids love it too!
  6. seabee

    seabee Guest

  7. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    I'm open minded. I've thought about it. To me it equates to someone asking me to try pickles in my Cheerios. It just ain't happenin' I'll pass. :lol:
  8. mom24

    mom24 Well-Known Member

    My children where in year round schools for 6 years and we loved it. I say bring it on Johnston County.
  9. mom24

    mom24 Well-Known Member

    It probably is happening. So what kind of pickle do you prefer dill or sweet?
  10. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I agree. At last check the school board did not even bother voting on whether or not to make the county year-round, they already knew how the majority of parents felt. Traditional schools and no bussing is a big factor in parent's decisions to move to JoCo.

    This is one school, based on an educational need - not overcrowding.
  12. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member


    Home school remember? :)
  13. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    EXACTLY! Go right ahead, eat your pickles and like them all you want. I'll home school my kidlets.:mrgreen:
  14. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I'd love mine to be in year round, but I think it always should be a choice, I don't think they should make anyone go to year round if they don't want to (parents choice not kids!) And I definitely don't want it to be a mess like Wake County, I'd prefer to keep it like it is over that mess!!! I've lived here for 11 years, and don't remember a time their school system mess wasn't in the news!
  15. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    We homeschool on a year round calendar and it works superb. Children get about 7 weeks of break in the summer. We get breaks throughout the year. July and August are some of our most productive schooling months. It is so hot to be out during the day so we get or schooling done before heading out to the pool or what ever else is on the calendar. We don't have to spend 1/4, or more, of the next school year reviewing because material is still fresh. I see great benefit to a year round calendar.
  16. canesfan

    canesfan Active Member

    I moved here to get out of the Wake County public school system due to the redistricting, but I would love to see year-round schools in JC. I know a bunch of people from Wake County that were against them, but now LOVE them.
  17. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    So far, the school in ? is a Title 1 school. None of the schools in the 4042 area meet that criteria.
  18. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Got room for two more??? LOL Mrs. Kookoo....
  19. Kelyel

    Kelyel Well-Known Member

    I want to keep a REAL SUMMER for DS.

    Pool time, Family Vacations all that stuff in the heat of the summer.

    But our school is not "under performing'' or Title 1. (Thank God).

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