Hate it for ya Kaci! (here's a hint: in the first one, Jordan has his shirt comletely undone and he's striking a sexy pose) It's not the best one I have of that either, but I can't share them all with you girls!! Here's some more: Enjoy!
I didn't say he had to be the hottest man you've ever seen, you just have to admit he's gorgeous...although he is the hottest man I've ever laid my eyes on, but much skinnier in person than I would have ever guessed. They all were actually, didn't want to hug too hard was afraid I'd break them in half! But lordy, lordy, I have some pleasant thoughts about this man from time to time...:jester:
Thanks! I have soooo many more, probably about 75 or 100...I took my husband's camera, his is excellent. The girl next to me even asked me what kind it was halfway through the show and said she had been watching me take them all night and was amazed at how great they were! It didn't hurt I was only in the 5th row too...:mrgreen: Of course, I used the opening act as guinea pigs to figure out the absolute best setting for the best pictures possible!!! I actually went through 2 photo cards that night, but I did some video recording as well...
donnie is still hawt!!!! and whats his name there is hotter than i remember!! dark hair sitting beside donnie.....wth is his name? gawd i had an entire wall covered in des boyz back in the day!
Yep, Danny! He never did anything for me, but he is better looking in person. There is a touching moment in the concert about his mom who died of breast cancer a couple years ago. They actually have a couple shirts they sell that all the proceeds goes to Susan G Komen foundation. And yeah, I had their posters all over my walls too! Back then it was all Jordan and Joe, but somewhere along the way I lost all interest in Joe, poor guy! Although he is the only one that read my shirt Tuesday, so gotta give him a little credit, at least he pays attention!
YES....dat him. he is hawt now!!! still love me some donnie! lets go snatch him for the weekend tassy!
Start heading north on 95...think they just left Baltimore, can't remember where they're going now...PA I think. You can follow Donnie on Twitter, and you'll always know where he is, that's what I do!!! :jester: (I have to feed my obsession somehow, now that I won't be seeing them in person for who knows how long?)