bring the thread back. Who are the wild card winners again? Anoop megan jesse tatiana matt jasmine and who else???
From my standpoint, I don't care about the wildcards. I've never seen a single episode and don't care if I ever do. Mike
I dont remember the last one either, PLEASE no one vote for Tatianna!! She is killing me, she is pretty talented but who wants to listen to her drama!
I don't think America is stupid enough to vote for Tatiana. I hope so anyway. They were smart enough not to vote for Nick/Norman and Nathaniel. No one I wanted made it through, I'm really bummed out. The only one I like is the 16 yo who sang Heart the first week.
For now, Lil Rounds (what a name...) has my vote. She rocked doing Mary J Blige!... ... but I'm partial to the song so...
Lil Rounds is Fantasia, the sequel. Sorry but so been there and done that. This past week, she sucked. Strange season - some strange contestants too. Don't care for the new judge. Paula seems a bit more sober. Randy - dawg this, dawg that. . .yawn Simon - full of himself, but really the only one who gives criticism I usually agree with. Thank God for DVR - can fast-forward through all of the icky performances, skip over the judges that are all kiss butt and watch a 2 hour show in about 40 minutes 8) The results show only takes about 5 yee-haw! :lol:
Shoot Paula LOL she is still buzzing on something... LOL Loved Carrie last night except the hair piece, that girl has got a voice though. Dang...
Anoop :lol:
No interest in American Idol at all, but I saw that Ready started this thread and I was wondering how she is doing. I hope all is OK. :?
I don't miss an episode - EVER - but had to Tivo Wed night, and have still only seen half of it since we were out of town, but I do know who went home. I have to say, the BEST two in my opinion are Allison and Danny. WOW, they are awesome! I still think I'm the only one in the world who doesn't like Adam, can't stand him actually. I think maybe if (stealing Simon's line here) if I listened to him with my eyes closed maybe I could like him. But I can't stand the sight of him, he's just wickedly strange to me. But Allison is the bomb, and Danny is just great, flawless! I hope they're in the final 2!!!
I called her a while back but didn't get a return call. I went to her subdivision, but forgot which house was hers. (I've only gone one time and it's been at least 4 years ago) I was gonna stop in and say HEY!
Well for your sake, and a few others, I hope the second coming didn't happen 8) (because I am pretty sure I ain't on that short list).
We don't miss an episode either....We LOVE Adam. I YouTubed him and saw some Off broadway plays that he was in. I tell ya....he can sing anything. There is NO way he is going to lose!
:iagree: "ring of fire" was off the charts.....I watch that performance on YouTube at least once a week.
Awww, I really wanted Adam to win. ( can you tell?!?!?) He had the voice and he could entertain like no one else! He strangly resembled my Elvis (in the face only). I'll be ready for his album. He was the best, and I never heard a man or woman contestant hit notes as high as did on American Idol. Having said that, Kris is awesome. He's a Christian too. I heard he's the worship leader in a huge church similar to C3. Sad AI is over another season.