Does anyone know if you have to go through an organization to put a sign out there for a fund-raiser or can you just put it out there? Thanks
You can just put them out there but the highway department comes along every now and then and removes all of them. You really aren't supposed to put signs at intersections like that but every realtor in JC does it so I say go for it.
The DOT likes for you stay off their 'right of way', can't remember how many feet that is, but several feet away from the actual road.
Don't know if this was on here yet today but when I saw signs on 312 I just had to say what saw today at 312. A guy sitting in a chair holding a sign about Obama! Anyone else see it?
For a second there I thought the sign said he was selling historic relics from Obama's 8th day on this planet! :mrgreen:
Yeah, I saw that old coot with the Obama sign yesterday. I did not like it, but we wouldn't want to violate his constitutional right to freedom of speech, would we? I would not want my right violated. "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
Yep that was it. We had our windows down and I am normally a quiet person but I said "yeah to the gays"! LOL I was in rare form I guess.
Only in America can you find people willing to support the free speech of a person who is opposing the recognition of rights to others. THAT is the definition of freedom of speech. 8) :hurray: :grouphug: