A place for random thoughts....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Just one day in our house:

    Yesterday I am upstairs taking a shower and getting dressed when I hear someone downstairs yell my name upstairs and ask if I was okay (hey folks don't use the intercom). I yelled back "Yes".

    When I came downstairs I was told that my mother thought she heard me fall. I just laughed and sat down. Then I heard something and looked at the fireplace. Yep, we had a squirrel. Shoot, I had not a clue what to do but I did know that we have those glass, spring doors on the front and it was closed so I thought all was okay.

    I saw that it was nervous and moving around so I grabbed a broom. I could just picture that movie with the squirrel stuck to my face. By the time I arrived back into the den it was banging against the fireplace glass and bingo, the spring sprung open. That sucker ran and slid on my hardwood floors all the way through the house and into the guest bathroom. I called a neighbor as I stood guard with my broom for backup.

    My mother, Alzheimer's and all, stood up while this is going on and asked me if wanted her to cook something for breakfast. I yelled "sit down". My neighbor suggested that I open the back doors so the squirrel would have an escape route, which I proudly told her would probably be my escape route.

    The squirrel was blocking one exit door as it paced back and forth going in and out of the guest bathroom. My broom in hand, I open one back door and that dang thing came sliding on my hardwoods until I could bump it with my broom right out the door.

    What did dear ole' mom say....man, we could have had squirrel meat. :ack::ack:

    Still seeing squirrel poop. A neighbor came over and found a hole in the screen over my chimney. Seems the squirrel fell through that, then with his force hit the flue, which made it open up and bingo he was caught inside the fireplace.

    And it was as big as a German Shepard! Naw, not a fishing tale....but it was as big as a cat.

    Never, ever a dull moment in our house! :mrgreen::mrgreen:

  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Full name: Pigathius Lee

    Go figure!!

  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    OMG! That is funnier than the scene in Christmas Vacation!
  4. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Good for him! :hurray:
  5. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    Why does it have to be so hard to survive in this world? We went to church this morning and the message was to give your life to Jesus and that if you do then you will have a much fuller happier life. I and my family have done that a long time ago and all we have been dealt is losses and hardship? Are these teachings really correct? I have been asking myself this question since I left church today. I keep praying that things will get better but my prayers still go unanswered. I just cannot understand. Maybe if I was not such a caring person then I would have better luck? I don't know. I am just rambling on....... Maybe I am just losing my faith????
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2009
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Man, I keep sending good thoughts your way!

    If there is such a thing as a god I keep remembering that joke about the guy showing up in heaven and asking why god did not save him from the flood (after he kept telling potential rescuers to go on and he will wait for god) and god referenced all the rescuers he sent.

    In other words keep doing all you can to get through and if god does exists he/she will guide you through without you necessarily knowing.
  7. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    And remember to count your blessings. You and your family survived the fire. It could have been so much worse. Imagine if you or your wife were having to go through all of this without the other. Be grateful that your family is still together and that the good folks of the community came together to help you re-establish a household. If I remember correctly, you were moved into another house right away. How great is that that you didn't have to move your family into a hotel.

    As for your recent job loss I just have to think that God has something better for you. It may take time but remember that everything is done in His time.

    A co-worker and I were having a similar discussion last week. About 16 years ago when she and her first husband were trying to conceive they were not having any luck. They spent their life savings going through fertility treatments and the whole nine yards. She just could not get pregnant. So, they gave up. To them that was the worst thing that had ever happened in their lives. They could not imagine why God would not give them a child when they wanted one so badly.

    Fast forward 16 years and now she and her second husband (her true soul mate) are expecting a baby any day now. No fertility treatments or anything were involved. They tried for several years and when they finally accepted that they were not going to get pregnant BOOM! it happened!

    You see God knew that she and her first husband were not going to make it so I truly believe that's why she did not get pregnant. Everything happens for a reason and it's usually never when we expect it.

    Don't give up on God. He's still there and He's still in charge.
  8. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    I am very greatful for the good things in life, and for everything that has been done for me and my family. I am just very worried about things I need to be concerned about such as trying to meet my obligations to pay for my rent and bills and not having any hopes of a good job to meet these needs. I have opened up an unemployment claim but have not received any payments as of yet and I am feeling very overwhelmed right now. I and my wife and family have faith in God but it is very hard to keep the faith when you keep getting knocked down time and again. I am blessed to have a part time job now but it does not pay well and will not be enough to even meet bills along with my wife's paycheck. I guess that if we had not been burned out than maybe it would be easier because I would be able to sell off some of my property I used to have to get by, but we are not able to do this at this time because we do not have a lot of physical assets. I am not complaining about this, it's just so hard to try to rebuild from scratch and then to lose your main source of income at such a very short period of time after losing everything it is extremely hard.If anyone out here has gone through this I would really like to speak with them and just ask them how did you get through it? I am just really kind of depressed right now. I will not post anymore of this, I do understand it is kind of personal but it is just so overwhelming.
  9. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Faith is a wonderful thing. I seem to be the oddball in my family on many issues but most everyone in my family have faith in some sort of religion. Me, I'm more of a Faith In Spirituality" type of person. Tree Hugger Type.

    Please don't give up. You are a very kind person, a very funny person, always lending a hand, thinking of others, etc. How do I know this? From you extending a hand out to me when I just needed someone to push me, when I needed a laugh, because of the times recently that I just thought I was going to scream so loud that the roof would come off and because you are non-judgmental in everything you do.

    Have I ever stated that I actually think that those who truly believe in God or Buddha or whatever are truly remarkable? If not, let me take this time to please tell you to continue your Faith, continue believing. Heck, if this is what it takes let me just bring you to the real world right now:

    Can you work? Some cannot, some have disabilities, some have no experience and some lack the education to even fill out an application.

    Do you have a family? Some don't. Some are all alone with no one to tell them that they love them or listen to them. Ask Kent. He's a member on here. As a matter of fact please PM Kent as to how you are feeling. Out of most people in the world I admire him at the very top. I've never met the man but if you read his Postings year after year and the organizations he works with he is just someone to be admired. I think all of 4042 should submit him to be CNN's or ABC's Hero!

    Do you have food and water? It can be peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! If so, remember those who are starving and know that your Faith will survive and that God is looking out for you and yours.

    I'll be damned if I will allow this type of talk from you!

  10. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Not sure what the laws are regarding unemployment and temporary work. I'd tell you to PM KDs but she has her hands full. Thinking.........PM Wayne. Ask him if he knows, tell him where you used to work and why you were let go. He will keep it confidential. These are the times we need to lean on one another.

    I cannot speak for all members of this wonderful community but I can certainly speak for myself and always do.......DO NOT THINK YOU ARE A BURDEN, DO NOT THINK I HAVE ITEMS GOING ON SO I CANNOT LISTEN OR HELP YOU. I AM HERE! Done yelling at ya'.

    Don't know you in real life but you sound really down at the moment and you felt that from me recently. When you did you did not give up. When I did not answer your messages you just kept on sending them. Why in the heck do you think I or anyone else would not treat you as good or better than you do us? Stop it!

    Have you checked the Jobs Board on here recently? I posted two websites that are a must for the unemployed. Heck, at least one of you has a job. Does she have the health insurance coverage? If not, we will all figure it out together.

    Get out and plant a garden, even if it is a patio garden. Tomatoes and whatever. A few pennies for a feast later. Things will get better.

    Hold on because I believe we are all in for a long ride and it must be together or we will fail. That is why I have so much appreciated you even though we have never met. It seems that you put that notion in my mind and now I pass it back to you!

    I'm here and will now try to check in more often, if just to check on you and a few others in a plight at the moment.
  11. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    You hang in there. I and others on this board will keep you in our prayers. You are a good person and I believe that there are good things ahead for you. I wish I were rich so I could help people like yourself.

    I understand your frustrations and encourage you to PM the folks Sherry recommended. We are all here for you and we will continue to help when we can. What type of work did you do before? I will keep my ears open for any jobs that might be in your line of work. Until then, know that we care and will do what we can to help.

    God Bless!
  12. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    I was doing Plumbing Service work and Appliance Installations/ Service. Thank You all for the encouragement. It really does wonders for my mindset, so to speak. I will keep looking and also try to pick up as much side work as possible. I know that everyone out here is going through some kind of cutbacks in their lifestyle because of the economic conditions and I just needed to vent my frustrations and have been really down because of the chain of events that me and my family have been through. I do appreaciate all of the kind words that people have sent my way. Thank You all very, very much. You all are kind of like my support system, I am so blessed to have discovered this board because I did not know many people before I found it and I have really met some really nice, caring people out here. I will take any type of job right now as long as it can provide me with enough hours to kind of make the bills. I have been looking and burning up the computer trying to find something. I cannot even begin to count all the resumes I've sent out in the past 3 weeks.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2009
  13. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    My grandmother always said that God did not give you any more than you could bear, but that he also knew your limits much better than you do. Maybe you are just a much stronger person than you believed you were and you are just being shown that now. I do not know, but deep down you do, I am sure.
  14. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    My little baby boy, the apple of my eye.....my little itty bitty man....

    Turns 13 today.

    He isnt so little any more.

    Damn im getting old.
  15. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Well you're in good company here :mrgreen:
  16. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Monday = so far, so good.
  17. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Anyone going to Butch Walker Concert in Raleigh tonite :) I am tagging along with my brother :)
  18. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Wish I could win the lottery and open up a water park.
    Or else, enjoy a good ol' shrimpburger or superburger from El's for lunch. And there are times when I know I;d enjoy the burgers more.
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I believe that due to their current financial problems that the Six Flags area at 4042 could be available. :mrgreen:
  20. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Nope....gonna name it something else so I don't have the adverse baggage of their name. But It'll be cool in the pool.8)

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