has anyone seen Daniel, he must still be running and hiding from all the good people to he owes money. Sorry for his kids and ex wife. beware everyone else who see's Daniel keep your money he never repays.
I find it hard to believe that there is nobody out there that has ran into Daniel that he has not asked for money or owed money to. Coming on 40/42 let's not cover up for poor old Daniel. He has played this story way to long and beware local churches he will hit you up for help.(Baptist church on 401 and C 3 church) he has probably moved to another church.
Talking about cover up.... You have a brand new screen name and are VERY new to the forum. I mean really .... Why are you so concerned?
It's also very easy to avoid the issue, as I don't lend money to friends, family or strangers. Problem solved. 8)
Ok that's why I am confused. I thought the runaway Daniel's last name was Robertson for some reason. I know I should have gone back and looked it up. Thanks for clearing it up I now know it was Johnson
Sounds like he may have been screwed over and looking for revenge. I don't think he'll get too much accomplished coming on here, but maybe it will make him feel better. If this Daniel guy is a swindler I would think he'd use different names. I guess he will once he finds out he's been outed online.
no cover up... 40/42 already strung him up and they generally will do it one time and move on... if newbie would check history here I believe this was already handled here. :jester:
You the forum bully now???? :jester: Lets all face it if it wasn't for this Obama thing this would've never happened... :twisted:
Well, I still prefer to blame that loser Bush ......I would never be a bully ... I just like to kick arse and take initials thank you