Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by PELTOMA, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    It's True

    Yes..........yes.......indeed, common sense died a tragic death.


    Only in America!

  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    And when the last remnants of human kindness dry up, then we are all screwed. It might have been a poor, dumb dog to you, but to a lot of folks, it was an innocent victim and they were trying to help it. Let's hope you're "it's not my business" attitude doesnt' extend to your fellow man. :?
  3. seabee

    seabee Guest

    You are right on identifying headlights, growing up when the parents were out we would know by the headlights they were coming down thee road and then it was a mad dash to straighten everything up... LOL
  4. seabee

    seabee Guest

    You will need a good dose of that name you're sporting there.
  5. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    Which leads me to my next point........many people will chase a stray animal to the ends of the earth but see nothing wrong with aborting human babies. OUCH!.........bet that strikes a nerve.

    Looking at this thing from the 50,000 foot view, I have to think that God looks down on us and shakes his head.

    I'd say that 'without natural affection' thing in Romans is playing out before our very eyes. Taxpayers pay for the murder of unborn children while some guy that shoots an endangered animal goes to prison? I say, God forbid!

    Man has dominion over the animals. Period. I value human life FIRST. Animals are a little down the food chain. We are spoiled in this Country. You ever traveled at all? Known any military folks serving in 3rd world Countries? I have a missionary friend in Togo Africa that eats cat and dog meat regularly. I have soldier buddies in south Korea that enjoy dog meat. Folks in many Countries around the world eat horse meat.

    You see, we have placed pets on the same level as human beings in this Country and it is sickening. People see pets as equal to their kids. What a perverted way of thinking...........and somehow I am the twisted one?

    How about we look at this through clear eyes and allow common sense to prevail. Sure animals make good pets. However, they are animals by nature. You chase one down (whether he has been dumped by some jerk or not) and get bit, don't look for my sympathy. Any good vet will tell you, "DON'T FORGET, AN ANIMAL IS AN ANIMAL." Simple, yet so profound.

    $12,000 for naught.


  6. seabee

    seabee Guest

    How the hell do you go from helping a dog to abortion???? Geez you must've been lurking for a long time to know most threads here get carried to a different subject from original one, certainly when one gets backed in a corner like you backed yourself in.. You may want to quit now before you fall to far...
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Are you the one that dumped the dog?
  8. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Hey that is the question of the day... :cheers:
  9. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I was wondering the same thing!
  10. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    Because I knew ahead of time someone would insinuate that my perceived 'lack of compassion' concerning this dog would get turned around to ........""it's not my business" attitude doesnt' extend to your fellow man".

    You see, you folks made the connection that I somehow may not care for my fellow man because of my attitude about a wild dog.......

    and then somehow I am taking it to far? or I am making the 'animal' vs 'human' tie? Sorry, this is not my first rodeo.

    The Truth has a way of stinging, huh?

  11. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    oh geezz whatever:chillpill:
  12. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Actually, it was the fact that you seem to think that the person who got hit with a $12,000 doctor bill somehow deserved it that makes me think you don't care about your fellow man.

    Look, you can have your opinion about animals all day long, it's a message board. No problem, Jack. Monday morning quarterbacking at it's finest.
  13. seabee

    seabee Guest

    truth???? you numb nutt that don't know sh1t... there is few here that are more against the Abort... then myself... go find another tree to pee on you 1st time rodeo rider...
  14. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    ok anyone else think Salvation sounds an awful lot like our old Biscuitville buddy?
  15. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    $12,000 ill spent. It could have been avoided by using common sense. Our taxes pay the salaries of the local animal control officers.
    Stick your nose into business that it does not belong in and guess what happens? You get bit.......you owe 12K in bills......

    Kinda like vigilante justice, see how far that will get you. We have a system in place use it. Period.
  16. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Wow, what a sweetie we have here.
  17. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    I see I have struck a nerve. My goodness we have stooped to name calling? You have a good day and may common sense prevail.


  18. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Look you were on that mile high rodeo pedestal and called them out on a scam... still looking for what scam you were talking about.. still haven't located it...
  19. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    I try. Have a pleasant day.


  20. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    Do you have proof that any person actually dumped any dog out? Anything? Just as I have no proof that they did not.

    I suspect there are some 'untruths' in this story. Maybe I am wrong.......but it has the stink of a story that just doesn't add up. What moron dumps a dog out of a car in front of potentially hundreds of witnesses? In this society, how does a car dump an animal in front of a grocery store and NOT ONE person has stated one shred of details about the car or people that 'committed' this alleged act?

    There must be something not stated here? Maybe?

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