My family has been hit with an awful stomach virus. We took our son to the ER over the weekend for dehydration. I was wondering if this has affected anyone else or if we're an isolated case. Thanks!
oh no, I hope you guys feel better, I was hoping this has already ran it's course and we lucked out this year. I hope we still will. Sheri
Problem is, I'm 5 months pregnant and have it now too. I just called my OB since I'm vomitting blood (sorry to be graphic). I'm assuming a trip to Wake Med is in my near future. So much fun when I'm home alone with my 4 and 5 year olds.
Of course not! I'm not alone though. I have great neighbors and I'm sure I can pawn my kids off on someone if need be.
what she said:iagree: it has got to be scary with being pregnant, sick and with preschoolers running around:grouphug:
We have it here too. Dh and dd (3 yr old) both got hit with it Tuesday night within an hour of each other. Violent throwing up that lasted for two days and then nausea and diahrrea that is still going on. I have never seen anything like it. I'm so used to stomach virus's that run their course in 24-48 hours and this one has lasted almost a week so far. Dh is much better today and ate for the first time yesterday, but dd still had diahrrea in the middle of the night and won't eat much. I can't believe how much laundry I've had to do and how many times I've changed sheets. :ack: I'm just so glad I didn't catch it. I've been washing my hands every chance I get and spraying everything they touch with Lysol. Please take care of yourself and watch for signs of dehydration. I hope you are all well soon. :grouphug:
You are definitely not alone! This hit our house about 3 weeks ago, all 5 of us got it, and it was quick, but AWFUL while it was here! HOPE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET BETTER SOON!