I'm going to get flamed for this, but this is how I feel. If I had a habit that was detrimental to the health of others I would not expose them to it if they were not comfortable with it. People get ticked if they catch a cold from the person in the next cubicle who came into work and exposed them to it. I don't see any difference with the smoke. It wouldn't be right for the government to make it illegal to come to work sick because you could get others sick because maybe they expect people to be responsible enough to do that on there own. Honestly, I would not be opposed to having all smoking establishments in addition to all nonsmoking and then people can make their own decisions about exposure/non-exposure. If the opposition is to government involvement then I agree that this is something that can open doors to other things, but public health is also something that falls under the government as well so to a certain extent I think they have to make an effort to do something. I don't think people who smoke are any different than people who don't and they shouldn't be made to feel like pariahs, but there needs to be a certain level of understanding that their smoking does effect the health of those around them.
And a person's preference to smoke should not force me cater to it by going out of my way to only go to certain establishments.
Isn't that the way it already is so why change it, as of now everyone has their choice of smoking or non-smoking restaurants.
But there are quite a few complete non-smoking restaurants right in our immediate area and everywhere in Cary & Raleigh so what is wrong with having some restaurants that cater to smokers too? Non-smokers can choose whether they want to go or not, they have completely non-smoking establishments as alternatives.
I just feel like if it comes down to whether a person has to go out of their way to go somewhere else it should be based on the fact that they make the choice to smoke and not because they are trying to protect their health and that of their child. And if folks want to smoke why not just step outside and then there wouldn't even be a need to distinguish between non smoking or not. I think having to step outside is less of a convenience than having to be limited to the places I can eat because I'm trying to protect my health.
Geez it's so bad I smell of smoke if I'm around here to much... :jester::jester: 2nd hand smoke on 40/42 who would've thought that... :cheers: Hey whats tat I'm smelling??? sniff... Ok who fired up the doobie here??? I thought Sherry signed off...
I don't like seafood. But if I'm near a seafood restaurant I'm inconvenienced by haviong to go somewhere else. Maybe we should force seafood restaurants to include chicken dishes. It's an inconvenience to go where you will enjoy yourself, whether it's the kind of food you like or whether smoking is allowed. To tell you the truth, I'm just a little bit surprised that you are in favour of government intervention just so that you won't be inconvenienced. That sounds a little like a liberal to me.
cant people go an hour without smoking? non smoking sections are a joke, the smoke goes there, some people get sick from second hand smoke. we lived in florida and when we moved here we couldnt believe they still allowed smoking.
Non-smoking sections are the government's idea. Personally I think the government should stay out and let the customers decide. If people don't want smoking restaurants, they will not last and will either have to change their policy or go out of business. Maybe you should consider moving back? I'd rather you not ruin our state like you ruined Florida.
Sound off This our next representive that gets to vote on it, let him know how you feel. Senator David Rouzer http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/gascripts/members/viewMember.pl?sChamber=Senate&nUserID=234 (919)733-5748 David.Rouzer@ncleg.net NC Senate 300 N. Salisbury Street, Room 520 Raleigh, NC 27603-5925
Funny there is no shortage or lack of restaurants and bars in Massachusetts since they passed their no-smoking law years ago. All the favorite bars and restaurants I used to frequent are still alive & kicking. Most of them have just added an outside deck for the smokers to go to, and per the law, you can't just stand outside the door to smoke, you have to be 25 or 50 feet (i can't remember which) from any main entrance or main exit.
It's not an inconvenience for me to go to the place that I like to eat. It only is when I can't go there because of the smoke. Inconvenience is secondary to the fact that my health or that of my child should not be compromised because people CHOOSE to smoke. And despite what you may think I don't make all of my decisions based solely on the little box that I checked on my ballot.
Because walking 25 to 50 feet outside no matter what time of year is not an inconvenience at all. Why don't we have the non-smoking section outside if it's not so bad? I thought last winter was pretty mild.
Ok, playing devil's advocate here, then shouldn't we make all restaurants alcohol free too because people's health will be compromised or their lives taken by drunk drivers who drink there and drive home - you will be on the same road as them.
Drinking and driving is illegal. If a person chooses to drink their health away that is their choice. Me sitting in the same room with them is not going to hurt me. I oppose them drinking and driving, but there are laws that try to protect me from being injured.