Anyone have a DMV Lapse of Insurance Coverage Hearing?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by shar824, Apr 6, 2009.

  1. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    If so, what happened?
  2. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Don't you lose your plates for 30 days if you let your insurance lapse?

    I think I remember someone here in my office going through that, but aside from that I can't help.. sorry :neutral:
  3. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Yes, or you can request a hearing. Just curious if anyone did the hearing and what happened.
  4. ponychick

    ponychick Well-Known Member

    Not really like a hearing....

    I did, a long time ago. It was more like a meeting. You just meet with someone in their office and tell them the circumstances, and they decide if it's valid. Make sure you bring all kinds of documentation. They dismissed mine, and I kept my tags, because I had proof of payment, and other stuff I can't remember. It was a while back.
  5. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Request the hearing and make sure you are fully insured at that time, this pending you have a clean driving record. Have your past payment history on insurance to show your responsibility... and then cry me river about the struggles these days and it was the rent or insurance or food for the kids and you are struggling in these times and you ask for mercy from the courts, your a law abiding tax paying citizen in a tough world right now trying to get by and it won't make it any easier if you take away my means of getting to work... you should find compassion there if you don't have a driving record against you. If you have to break out the extra thick frosting...
  6. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Wow, I'm going through this right now as well. Our insurance dropped us because they said we hadn't switched over our license and registration to NC in time (they had given us until 1/8/09). We had switched everything over by 12/26 and had faxed them copies of everything. They didn't even notify us that they dropped us. We found out when we mailed our next payment check, due on 1/23, and then sent it back saying they couldn't accept payment on canceled policies! We got insurance ASAP but still had a lapse of about 3 weeks. We got the letter in mail for the $50 fine for my husband and paid it right away. Apparently the letter for my car came a few weeks later. Unfortunately I do tax accounting and dh travels, so by the time we opened our mail we already had the letter saying we had to turn in our plates (they literally give you exactly 7 days to get the $50 fine paid). Anyway, I mailed the $50 check with the paperwork and I'll give that a few days to see if they cash it. If not, I'm going to have to schedule a hearing as well. Meanwhile, I'm going to file a complaint with the state against our old insurance company. What a mess. At least if it doesn't work out I'll hand in the darn plates and just retitle the car up north, as dh still works there and maintains residence. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to take some of NC's revenue.
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I forgot to pay DH's motorcycle insurance a couple years ago (almost everything is on automatic draft, and I didn't open the mail:oops:) He had to go to the court house, but I think we just paid a fine. I love being fined for stupidity. And yeah, now I open all mail, whether I think it's important or not. 8)

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