I checked to make sure it wasn't PRM....nothing was dragging. 8):lol: Thanks for all of your ideas too, Sdanimal...
You know... That makes total sense! Because I read somewhere, to neutralize the smell of urine or poop (where an animal did it inside) spray a solution of water and vinegar on the spot. It worked wonders on a spot that the puppy kept poop'n on. This is much less harmful than the Hog shocker I suggest...but not nearly as entertaining.:shock: :lol:
Or.........you could figure out whatever it is that toads excrete out of their skin and use that. Molly picked up a toad out of the yard over the weekend, and I don't know what it did, but the dog was absolutley foaming at the mouth. It would have been funny, if she hadn't been miserable for about 15 minutes. I bet she never picks up another one!
No dogs are dumb like that... Or at least my old dog from my childhood was! Oh, you just brought back some good memories! Foamy mouth dogs are hysterical!
Yep, I keep some vinegar and water in a spray bottle for all types of things. Entertainment is always welcome.....animals are so funny! Sherry :lol: