What would you have authorized the pilots to do? http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=7273710&page=1 Craig
I think they handled it well. It may have been cheaper to shoot him down, but it wasn't necessary. Also, shooting him down could potentially have caused injury or death to civilians on the ground. By letting it play out, no one got hurt.
When he got out of the plane and started running introduce him to Mr. Hellfire or the sidewinder... :jester:
As much an environmentalist as I am, I'd have given the order to shoot once he was not over a town or city. It played out well, this time....as far as we know. I could easily imagine it being a lot worse. What would have happened if this dude decided to crash into Ford Field last night? What if he was transporting bio weapons and spraying them as he flew. A possibility that we didn't realize until he landed and was interrogated. FWIW, as soon as he cleared Canadian border, I'd have ordered the escort aircraft to force him to turn back.
See these were my thoughts as well. Granted it was a small plane, one that easily could have dropped below radar coverage long before ever being detected, and proceeded to commit a terrorist act. He refused to communicate with either the pilots of the escort aircraft or with the FAA control towers. If it would have been my call and my call alone he would have either turned back or we would be picking up the pieces today. Craig
ABC News says he was hoping to get shot down - a new variation on "suicide by cop"? http://www.abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=7275586&page=1
He was over Water. I simply would have Blown him Out of the Sky. But this is just a X Military Mind here. 2, F-14 Tomcats. agains 1 little tiny cessna. I see toothpicks Floating in the Sky. with some Red Stains. Remember the good old days' DON'T MESS WITH THE U.S.!!.