Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by shortcake, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. shortcake

    shortcake Guest

    ALERT...Please keep your homes and vehicles locked in the Josephine Road area. We live in Twisted Oaks I and last night someone tried to break in one of locked vehicles in our driveway. We had our outside lights on and still someone was brave enough to try to break in our vehicle. It appears that the accused tried to pick up one of my very large terracotta pots that was filled with dirt, as a tool to break our truck window. I am sure the accused quickly learned how heavy the pot was and dropped it on the truck. Luckily they did not succeed in stealing anything in our truck.

    Please help keep our homes and children safe in the area. If you see any suspicious acitivity, please call the police.
  2. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Hopefully they dropped the pot on their foot and at the very least have a very sore and bruised foot today.

    I hate a thief!
  3. toocool8

    toocool8 Member

    Thanks for alerting everyone. It seems that this is pretty common these days. And just a tip---many of us keep our garage door openers in the car! So if you keep yours in there, consider bringing it inside or park your car in the garage. (We had a lot of car break ins in our neighborhood last year.)
  4. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    My friends truck was stolen lastnight right from their driveway. It has since been found 3 miles up the road with the inside wiped out, but at least they have the truck back.

    They live right off of highway 50 across from that mansion that sits back behind the trees.....

    crazy stuff!!!
  5. shortcake

    shortcake Guest

    When the Sheriff came this morning to take our report on the attempted breakin...he said they just towed a stolen truck that was parked on Josephine this morning. He said that the truck was was reported stolen last night and they didn't catch the individuals who stole it. I don't think that incident had anything to do with someone trying to break in my truck.
  6. shortcake

    shortcake Guest

    Last year, we had a radar detector stolen out of our suv right after Christmas, the same house we live in now..same driveway. Luckily no damage was done then and they didn't use the garage opener to open up the garage and steal anything else. It was a close call. Funny thing is, we just bought that same radar detector 2 weeks ago and put it in the truck that the theives tried to break into last night. Luckily they didn't get into the truck, but they did some damage. We now have to have the passenger window replace and door repainted. Thanks for your input.
  7. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    One of these days I wish one of these slimeballs would try to break in to one of the cops' houses over there and get caught actually just to be greeted by anyone with a gun protecting themselves come to think of it (a cop would probably not hesitate to put them on the ground at gunpoint until the on duty cops get there as opposed to just scaring them off). Then peeing their pants will be the least of their worries. :mrgreen:
  8. scbuff

    scbuff Well-Known Member

    I lived across the road from you in Island Creek and glad that we haven't had any instances like that yet. I am used to growing up in the country where we could leave our cars and houses unlock. Different time and place nowadays.

    hopefully these people will get caught real soon or have a bullet lodged in their arse
  9. Lucidity

    Lucidity Well-Known Member

    I have a clean shot for anyone who is my driveway that doesn't belong.
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    :evil:I learned something else this weekend I hadn't thought about's not just your house/driveway you have to worry about. When you're parked at other places (schools, ballgames, etc) they will go into your unlocked cars, steal your gps and garage door opener, hit the home button on the gps, then use the garage door opener to get into your garage and/or house to steal stuff! Pretty smart crooks! So make sure when you're at these places as well you lock your doors...I'll admit I don't always lock my car doors when I'm at my son's soccer games, but I will now!
  11. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    Have heard about that too. We always hide our gps (don't even keep in the car unless we're traveling) and lock our cars when out and about, and esp on trips.
    Friend of mine had all their video game stuff and some dvd's stolen from their van when they stopped at McD's while traveling home from vacation. We also always try to park where we can see our car from inside while eating etc.
  12. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Regarding the GPS, I have a real cheap Garman (Nuvi 200W) and it has a security feature where unless you put in the proper password it locks the unit down.

    When you set it you set it at a location that is known, if you forget the password you have to go back to that location, then the unit is unlocked from space.

    It works great.
  13. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I guess this explains why everyone we know (primarily in Island Creek) has an alarm system on their house.

    You should get a laugh out of this, though. I read the original posting last week. The very next night I fell asleep in my toddler's room when putting him to bed. I woke up a little after 1am. As I did my final walk around the house making sure everything was locked, tidied, lights off, etc., I noticed that our neighbors across the street had forgotten to close their garage door before going to bed. It was obvious that they were asleep as the house was completely dark. I know that she has a young baby, so I couldn't bring myself to call and wake them, and I was afraid that if I ran over and closed it myself that it would scare them half to death. But after reading about the attempted car break-in right down the road the night before, I was so afraid that someone would steal stuff from their garage or even walk right into their house! So I sat on the toilet in my bathroom, in the dark, all night watching to make sure no one snuck into their garage. Now my husband and my neighbors think I'm a lunatic.
  14. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    :lol: not sure if that makes you seriously crazy, or an awfully good/concerned neighbor! :lol:
  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    I hope your toilet had the padded seat... :jester:
  16. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I think, technically speaking, it makes me a stalker. :jester:
  17. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    You could always use the old diahareea excuse if anyone asks you.:jester:

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