Need some Family advice

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mcclouds6, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    Since my family is divided on this subject I thought I would throw this out there for suggestions from people that do not know us. My brother and his gf who are addicted to methodone and gf is 7 mos pregnant applied for food stamps but denied due to brother making too much money dont know why cause he has to pay out massive amount in child support- anyways went to DSS and said that my brothers gf pays my husband 75 a wk in rent and 50 a month is utility and signed my husbands name to a piece a paper stating it was true. My husband is out of town on business this week and cell is turned off during the day and DSS called to verify so then my brother called DSS to pretend to be my husband and verified statement was correct. He and his gf lied on govement forms and I dont know what to do. We have gone out of our way to help them out time and time again, my husband is good as gold to my brother and I was going to give gf a baby shower. Should we turn them into the police for forgery and fraud and into DSS or just let it go????
  2. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    I say turn them in. Bad enough she is hooked on methodone while pregnant let alone the other crap they are pulling. DSS needs to know about this.

    DAVIDMILLER1 Well-Known Member

    Turn them in...if not they will think it is okay and continue on the same path of breaking the law and later on down the road it might even get worse. That baby will suffer for it if it has not suffered already for the use of the methodone.
  4. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    She goes to the clinic already, but is under a docs care while preg, but baby will be addicted to methadone when born, I think we are just enablers and you are all right ( I just hate to do it to my brother) I wonder if he will actually go to jail or just get like probation or something
  5. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    They will most likely get caught in the long run even if you don't report them.
    But I would have to turn them in. Either way, if DSS finds out shes doing any kind of drugs, or endangering the life of the baby, she won't have the kid once it's born.
    Good luck!
  6. GarnerGirl2000

    GarnerGirl2000 Well-Known Member

    Either way they both need help bad! I am sure that its a tough call to turn in your own brother but at the same time if you dont its only going to get worse. I know I would feel very guilty if something even worse happend and I had the chance to speak and didnt, you know?
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    And.. if they have forged stuff now in your husbands name, whats next, they'll be stealing his identity. I would hate to do it, and I certainly would get in touch with dh and let him know what you are intending to do, but I would turn them in.
  8. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    :iagree: Sometimes tough love is the only way to go.
  9. MamaApe

    MamaApe Well-Known Member

    I agree with Tough Love, they need to be help accountable for their actions.

    What a tough situation, sending prayers your way.
  10. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I would definitely have him call them back and say that he has no idea what they're talking about, that he gets no rent from gf (do they live with you?). I wouldn't get the police involved. I might mention to DSS about the methodone addiction, as they should be able to help gf get help. It is very common for the hospital to prescribe methodone for the baby and then the mother uses it herself, leaving the baby in withdrawal that can lead to other health issues (in addition to the poor baby being in horrible pain).

    They need help and since it doesn't look like they're doing anything to get it themselves, I wouldn't feel the least bit bad about getting outsiders involved. They will probably thank you for it in the long run.
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    turn them in. at least try and save that baby, since they won't save themselves. It'll only get worse and then a child will be more involved. I know it's hard, it's your family. I will pray for strength for you. :grouphug:
  12. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    No they dont live with me, they used to up until just a couple of weeks ago. My brother thinks the world owes him, for some reason and he says he cannot work unless he takes methadone and get this his gf mother is their supplier.
  13. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    I would love to take care of the child. He was married b-4 and has two other children and I called DSS on them and the children were taken away for 9 mos
  14. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    I am not out there to ruin his life, but at some point he needs to grow up- he is 38yrs old and take responsibility for his actions
  15. fizzco

    fizzco Well-Known Member

    it may be your brother and i don't think i would turn my sibling in

    but he apparently doesn't care that you are his sister. so.....

    you need to speak to your dds
  16. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    But the have Just Stolen your Husbands Identity also , By saying that they were him. Now your Husband can Go to Jail as an accessory.
    You just told us on them , Go the Distance !!!
    Report them for fraud, misreprentation and out right Stealing from the Tax payers. If i was you I would report this no matter who they are. Jail bars are thicker than Blood. Do you or your Husband want to be in jail?
    No I don't think so. and these two Cons most likely will get a slap on the Wrist , While you and yours sit and rot in Jail.
    and the Meth Heads take over your home . Sheit ...Wake up here. Protect your self First.
    Sorry to put it so Bluntly.
    But you don't seem to grasp the Reality of the situation. they could and would Screw you over in a Heart Beat. Thats what Druggies do.
    From a Former Psych Councelor.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  17. youdontsay

    youdontsay Active Member

    I agree with those who've said turn him in. In this case, you have two adults who don't know how to/don't care to act like adults, and it's affecting the health of an unborn child. So, do whatever you can do to care for that poor kid. Their actions may also affect the well-being of your family should they decide to steal your identity to obtain money for drugs or whatever else. And yes, you need to protect YOUR family first. That is your top priority.

    It is one thing to offer a helping hand—or more—to those who are ready and willing to accept it. But it doesn't sound like your brother and his girlfriend are there yet. They may never be. :-( Some people only want to take advantage. Don't let yourself be a doormat.

    Talk with your husband and make sure y'all are on the same page. It will be easier to deal with backlash (and there will be some, there *always* is) when y'all can present a united front and are able to support each other.

    Good luck.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  18. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  19. siameselover

    siameselover Well-Known Member

    why do they need help from dss? if they have money for drugs, then the govt should not pay their basic expenses. they should make everyone who gets services to take drug, alcohol and smoking tests. think of the money they would save, it would even offset the testing cost!
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    While I personally agree with you, we beat that idea to death on a thread recently. Somehow there are those that think it would violate their rights on several levels. I disagree, but be prepared. 8)

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