Question about breeding dogs

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by dbs241, Apr 10, 2009.


Is it safe to breed a 120lb male rottie with a 60lb female lab/rottie mix?

Poll closed May 10, 2009.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe

  1. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    Please help settle a debate between my husband and myself. Is it safe to breed a 120lb male rottie with a 60lb female lab/rottie mix? The male is about 5 years old and the female turned a year old on Valentine's Day this year. The female is built more like a lab than a rottie so the concern is whether the puppies might be too big for her to deliver. I don't need a lot of folks scolding me for bringing more puppies into this world. All the puppies, if there are any, are pretty much already spoken for. And yes, we are prepared to keep any we can't find homes for.
  2. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    The puppies will end up getting stuck on her pelvic bone and she'll be in "labor" for ever!

    Been there done that. Got the vet bills to prove it. She had 13 HUGE puppies only 7 survived. I pulled pieces of puppies out of her for 2 days. It damn near killed her. She's fixed now and if I knew then what I knew now she would have been fixed LOOOONG before that.

    IF you must breed them, the girl needs to be bigger than the boy. Period.

    ...zipping up flame suit.
  3. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    You may not want scolding but I cant help it. As a person who has worked for an animal shelter for too many years to count and has had to help euthanize pure breed as well as mixed breed dogs on a daily bases, WHY breed? Do you have two perfect specimens that need to pass on their blood line??? Even if you have the sweetest of dogs and you want their personality in a pup, I can help find that in 20 more out there available today for adoption with that same great personality.

    If you have a few people prepared to take in your pups, that is great, please send them to the local shelter.... I would love for them to adopt so that would be that many more I dont have to kill this week.

    Yes you have the right to breed, but I beg you for the animals that will be killed this weekend alone please think twice.

    Come volunteer, just one day and then decide.

    (PS- with the weight difference alone, it is a bad idea...)
  4. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    I have fostered animals for years and love it. I've rescued countless animals and loved every minute of it. As far as adopting, most of the folks I know who want a puppy would rather have one with the specific breeds I have, would like to know about the parents, or have other personal reasons. A good friend of mine was just denied the right to adopt because she doesn't take her first cat to the vet a minimum of twice a year, even though the cat is healthy and has all his shots. She could prove she provided vet care when her older cat was sick but that wasn't good enough. They wanted to see perfectly healthy pets going to the vet at least twice a year! Why take a healthy animal to the vet unnecessarily? Like I said, there's no guarantee we're even going to breed these two. My husband and I agreed that we would ask some more opinions and research breeding before we allowed it to happen. I think that sounds pretty reasonable rather than just letting her get pregnant carelessly. We're not talking about breeding her repeatedly, we're talking about once and then getting her fixed. If more people were more diligent about breeding their animals, like we're trying to be, there wouldn't be nearly so many unwanted animals in shelters for you to kill. And, yes, they are both PERFECT specimens.

    (For the record, I am personally against the two of them breeding. My husband is for it.)
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  5. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    Requirements for adopting are ridiculous. they wonder why so many are being euthanized.... let people adopt! Do they really think that a pet is better off stuck in a cage and waiting to meet their fate than being with a owner who doesnt bring their pet twice a year to the vet.. or got busy and forgot to bring their pet in ontime for vaccines? come on.

    but anyway.. i wouldn't breed the two.
    and I think breeding is OK, but i really think there should be such a thing as a breeding license or something so there aren't all the "back yard breeders" who just do it because they think they're gonna get some easy money. THAT would help control the pet population.
  6. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    And we're not even considering selling the puppies. So many of our friends have seen our two dogs and wanted puppies that we have considered it. We really are trying to be responsible about it, otherwise I wouldn't have asked this question in a forum where I know people are so generous with their honesty and opinions.
  7. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    oh, i wasn't accusing you of being irresponsible or anything. i was just venting. sorry. glad you know what your doing! :)
  8. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Oh you came to the right place if you wanted people to be generous with their opinions lol, but I'm not going to tell you about the unwanted puppies already out there ect, you know that already, I'm sure before you posted your question/poll.
    But, I will agree with the weight difference it's not a good idea, you would be putting your girl in danger, plus the puppies as well. I would think your vet would agree.
  9. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

  10. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Finally someone who speaks my language. LOL
  11. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    Not at all! I wasn't upset, I was agreeing with you. Thanks! :)
  12. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    That's pretty much been the consensus with everyone I've asked. My husband thinks it's no different than a large man having a baby with a tiny woman. I had to remind him that the humans are the same breed, whereas dogs aren't. LOL
  13. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Take your husband to the Wake or Johnston Shelters - just to see how many rottie/lab mixes there are that will be put down. because of some backyard breeder just wanting to make some $$ off a dog.

    :boxing: <that's me, punching the crap out of him> :mrgreen:
  14. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    The prob here Harley is that she is NOT against breeding any more than he is, she is just concerned with the weight difference. (As well she should be)

    I cant understand how someone who has fostered and has seen the need can breed?? I guess they just didnt get it.
  15. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member


    btw, do you know any rescue groups down in Carteret County? My moms neighbor has puppies. :boxing:
    3 of them, they are terrier / bulldog mixes. The look like corgis (sp).
    Short little legs and longer boddies. Right now they are 12 weeks old.
  16. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    Plain and simple...rescued and adopted dogs are the best you'll ever have. :)
  17. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    I agree! We have 1 from Wake SPCA, 1 from Forever Friends in Greensboro, and 1 from someone's backyard that needed to be bottle fed....not to mention a rabbit that someone was going to let loose because he was a mini Rex instead of full size bunny! :evil:
  18. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    :iagree:Hard to believe someone can see so many in need and then want to add more. Just b/c you have homes for them doesn't mean they will always be in them. I have the sweetest little old foster right now who won't let me out of her sight b/c someone turned her out on her own. Poor thing follows me all over the house b/c she is scared she will get dumped again even though it looks as if she was well taken care of at one time.
  19. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    I can breed my dogs just like anyone else. But I really don't WANT to breed her. I have NEVER bred any of my dogs. This would be my first attempt. For the record, ALL my other animals are fixed. A lot of people want dogs with specific characteristics, such as temperament. And, a lot of people want to know more about the history of their potential pet, more than they might know if they adopted from the shelter or rescue. We have no intention of selling the puppies, so making money is not the point. This sounds so much like the abuse Biden took for adopting his dog from a breeder rather than a shelter. You don't have to like my choices just like I don't have to like yours. I deal with the consequences of my actions and leave you alone to do the same.

  20. dbs241

    dbs241 Well-Known Member

    (That's so nice. Is that how you deal with everyone who disagrees with you???)

    How about punching this guy instead? He's looking to make money AND bring more puppies into this world...

    Categories:Pets & SuppliesAd Number:111580Date Posted:04/13/2009Contact:luvmypits
    dunn, nc
    Telephone:E-Mail:Reply to Ad Web Site:

    have a huge beautiful male pit for stud he is 50% watchdog 50% razors edge bloodline he has been proven and is APBR registered i am asking $200.00 stud service he is a must see. email for pics

    Or this one... They have 3!!!

    I have a (blue and white) male Chihuahua, male Saint Bernard, and male Bloodhound (black and tan saddle back) for stud. For more information please call 919-820-3449.

    Or this one.....
    Ad Number:111460Date Posted:04/10/2009Contact:Larry
    Selma/Clayton, NC
    Telephone:E-Mail:Reply to Ad Web Site:

    I have a Male Boxer, he is not registered but just looking at him you will know he is a full breed, I want to breed him one time before I get him neutered, I have pics is wanted

    The list is nearly endless.

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