Fustraighted at non english speeking people messing up food orders

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ebabe 1216, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    wastes time and not to mention food that gets tossed in trash cause they refuse to learn english, does this bother anyone else
    I have worked at the Lions Clinic. There were only about 60 people that spoke English there.
    The Mexicans there had on many occations , Stated that they do not need to learn English, It is you that needs to learn Spanish.
    Try to get a Point accros to them , They dont care . They have your Job. and just Recently 25 People were let go. Not Layed off but Fire'd. Yes Terminated.for no apparent reason. Just Your service are no longer required. That way they don't have to pay Unemployment.
    As 1 Sheriff put it.( they are like Roaches that need to be exterminated). and Not a thing will be done about it. They have more Rights than any American will ever have.
    So Remember my Friends. Next time you buy or have a service done for you. remember the words. WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF MEXICO.
  2. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I hope the people who were let go are not letting them get away with that. If unemployment is denied, they should ask for a hearing. The employer has to show they were fired for cause, or the state will pay unemployment and that employer's unemployment insurance will increase based on the claims that are paid.

    An employer does not need a reason to let you go. This is an employment at will state, as I believe all 50 states are. That means unless there is a written contract, an employee can quit at any time for no reason, and an employer can let them go at any time for no reason. If you quit for no reason, you do not have a right to collect unemployment, but if the employer lets you go for no reason, you do have that right, and you should fight for it.
  3. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    As long as they are legal, I don't see how it maters (except on a personal level), and the Sheriff's remarks are one of the reasons they are and should be in hot water.
  4. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    Legal, Come on: This place has been busted 3 times in the past 5 years for Imigration issues. But they keep getting away with it. Because they have the Lions Club to back them up.
    And yes I went to the Unemployment office. They told me there is nothing they can do. RLCB had told them that the People were let go for various reasons. The reason they gave for me .... NOW Get This... I stole some ones Lunch.
    Bull Crap, I don't Like Mexican food. and I have Never taken anything that did not belong to me. Ever.
    I am not Religious. But I do believe in the Words. Tho Shal Not Steal. I argued the point to the case worker. Oh By the way was Mexican also.But to no Avail ,I get Nothing.
  5. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    The employers have the power. They can push the people who come and work for them around at will because they know that they can just get someone else to do their damn job. And it is extremely unfair that people who bust their a$$e$ for a job just end up getting kicked to the curb.

    The law of an "at will" state only benefits the employer in most cases of termination of employment. I personally know that I have been screwed from prior employers because of being let go for no good reason other than that they can give my job to someone else at a lower pay rate. When I worked at HH Gregg I trained a new hire (did not get paid an extra cent for training this kid) and after he was trained and with the company for a month and a half later, Guess What!!!! The old man get's canned because they can pay the new guy the lower rate, No mention of my loyalty to these people. I NEVER missed a day of work worked sometimes 75-85 hrs a week did everything I should, was a good soldier and BANG I lose my job. Screw these companies!!!! They should go bankrupt in my eyes.
    What did they do? Well they set me up by sending me on a job to install 2 dishwashers and microwaves for a contractor. When I got there the contractor only needed me to install the microwaves and just deliver the dishwashers ( I was NOT hired to be a delivery person) and I did the installs (microwaves) and what happened? Two months later the contractor had a leaky dishwasher, which, because it was faulty, contacted HH Gregg and I was called into the office and written up for a bad install??? I NEVER installed either dishwasher, the contractors plumber did the installs AND the contractor had an e-mail from General Electric stating that the dishwasher was faulty. and I disagreed with the write up (1st) would not sign it, and called corporate to explain my side and got nowhere, so I got a statement in writing from the contractor that I did not do the installs and when I gave it to my manager, the next day I was fired?????? Go figure. When I tried to get unemployment I was denied. Why?? Because I contacted the contractor to clear my name and I was violating "company" policy???? Since when was it illegal to defend yourself against lies???? Go figure.
    Bottom line is I am trying to go into business for myself. I'm sick of working for someone else. I'd rather do my own thing so I know that I cannot fire myself, and If I am able to eventually hire someone to work with me I would treat that person with respect and do everything to treat them as fairly as possible. That is what's missing in today's business world, to many managers who can drop the axe without looking at the dedication and efforts of individuals who go the extra mile for thier employers and get das boot. And either a single or married person, the people who have this happen to them are the ones who suffer really hard when every avenue of income is pulled from them and they are on the verge of just losing everything. This is just a terrible way to treat people.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2009
  6. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    Exactly !!!! Bravo !!!
    I to never missed a day of work, When we had that so called Snow storm, I was the Only one in my departmentt that showed up for work. I did my job , took my breaks when I was supposed to and went home.
    I have spent many Hours overtime doing stuff for the maintenance dept. For which I was not in. I Constructed 335 stand up lockers, Built 9 foot wall display cases. Fixed broken sewing machines. Cleaned up and palletized all machinery that was not being used.
    I always was at a minimum 30 minutes early for work.
    I was assigned to Open in the morning and close at night. was given the pass code to the main alarm system. I had done this for several months.
    One time an Irate Emploee was threatening one of the office supervisors. I had stepped in to protect him. the Police were called and the employee was arrested for attempting to do bodily harm.
    I was constantly asked to do all the heave lifting because of my size and Streangth. I was Hired to opperate a Lazer Cutting machine. nothing Else. I emptied my own trash. Cleaned my own machine , Did all the maintenance on it. The other person Cutting would have some Old blind lady move his machine because he was to lazy to do it himself.
    Now these are $300,000.00 machines. His looked like it was from the ghetto. and the one that I operated looked like it was a Brand new Jaguar. Clean and neat. all the time.
    I was called away on many occations to unload trucks full of heavy bolts of Fabric. that were not on palletts. No one ever helped. it was just me. I never complained just did what was asked of me.
    and what did I get for my hard Dedicated work.
    I got the Boot for a Big Lie. they said that I took someones lunch. Can you belive this crap. I would not take anything that did not belong to me. and that is the part that really get my goat. To be accused of something i did not do. Hey if i did it I would tell you , Yea I did it.
    and those that know me , Know that i am Bluntly Honest.
    Now i am out of work and looking for a Job.
    I can not collect unemployment. an dam about to lose my place to live. I have alredy been told that the Vehicle i drive will be repoed soon. so basicaly I am totaly Screwed by this stupid act of convenience to the RLCB. That would Be . The Raliegh Lions Clinic for the Blind.
  7. monaco177

    monaco177 Guest

    And they wonder why there are people who go beserk and shoot up their places of employment. Maybe if the shoe was on the other foot and the Managers were held accountable for shoddy management and deceptive workplace pratices that are aimed against employees then things would change. My take on any organization that has dedicated employees who perform their jobs at or above expectations is that these are the people who should be retained and not kicked aside. It is clear in my case and in HH's case that this was not the end result. I wonder how the jerks who made these decisions would feel if it was them out of work, not able to collect, and in danger of losing everything that they owned. Just remember HH, that God don't like ugly and some day these ba$-My Friend will get what they deserve. I am praying for you and I will try to help you out with some of my work that I'm lining up. Please keep the faith and know in your heart that if you stay strong that you will indeed get the last laugh on these heartless scumbags.
  8. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    Angry? Yes. Infuriated, Yes. Depressed, Yes.
    Hostile, Could be. Want to physicaly hurt theses people, Yes. would I act on it. NO. I don't need 3 squares and a Cot with bars on the windows. But Yes I can see how and why people do these things.. It starts with the Depression that seeks in after losing a Job. Then the Confusion of what to do next, Then the Anger and Hatered sets in. Then they all combine into one Big messy Blurr..Then you try to get back your dignity and search for another job. and all you get is that your are over qualified or you need to be Bilingual. another word for you must speek spanish.
    I thought this was America, We speek English here.
    Then you seek the drastic messures , and Humiliation of the Unempolyment office and just to be turned away. then they refer you to some joker in counceling at the food stamp place. only to spend the entire day sitting and waiting for some one who does not care what is going on, They have a job and you don't and then they tell you that you don't qualify. Funny about that. it is my Tax money that i have payed in my entire life. But the Spanish ( Mexicans ) in this case get all the compensation they want.
    maybe i should change my name to Juan Valdez.
    And no not all 50 States are a right to work State. there are some that actualy take out of your pay like Taxes for unempoyment. I know NJ is one of them. But Nj stinks. In Polite terms.
    Just some more thoughts on this matter.
    Hoof Hearted
  9. blusdrmr

    blusdrmr Well-Known Member

    If you are not female, black, hispanic, gay, etc, you have no rights. It's not going to get any better, either.
  10. Hoof-Hearted

    Hoof-Hearted Well-Known Member

    Now that's the Truth.
    But you Just gave me an Idea. I have a Good Talent of impersinations, Other than the Usual cartoons and Rodney dangerfield. I do a Pretty good Gay, Some say it is too Good. No I ain't Gay. But next time I go to fill out an application and actualy get to meet with a Real Live person. I'll Pull the Gay act. See if I can get a Job.
    Maybe at K-mart in the Ladys Underware section.
    Anyway you hit the Nail on the head with that one statement. altho i am not so sure about the female part. you are going to get a lot of Flack on that one.

  11. IW21012

    IW21012 Member

    Man, I hate that (when somebody slanders you). I cannot help but think of the phrase "whoever utters slander is a fool" (Prov. 10:18b). They will get theirs. BTW, Hoof-Hearted, I learned that a former supervisor was suing the company.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  12. IW21012

    IW21012 Member

    Probably because the Lions Clinic does not want to be sued for racial discrimination.

    Do you know what bothers me? That the employees at the facility are expected to follow the chain of command (especially when an issue comes up), but the president's husband (Gary) who works there as a "volunteer" can go straight to his wife about any issue and not follow the chain of command.

    What Gary did to me was often get in the way by creating more needless trouble, work, and delay. When Joey and Kenn were there helping to build the warehouse area, Gary wasted time with them by blabber-mouthing the day away and by taking longer breaks. However, I was working alone most of the time handling shipping and receiving and providing the workers with their own needed materials. Gary could have helped me more often. I needed it more than Joey and Kenn did. In fact, I often went out of my way to help them too. But I did my work, and I always finished my job and everything that I needed to do before the day ended. However, Gary lagged behind in his work. From what I remember hearing, he told the vice president that the reason he was behind in his work was because he was spending the whole day cleaning up my mess that fell off of the hoppers whenever I took them outside to the bin. (That is why the tarp was made for the top of the hoppers.) What a load of hooey! If anything fell off of the hopper, I stopped the forklift and got off and picked it up myself.

    As you well know, Hoof-Hearted, there were three forklifts: a large-sized and fast speed (orange) one, a medium-sized and medium speed (yellow) one, and a small-sized and low speed (gray) one. One morning, Gary came to me and said, "Hey Paul, let me use that forklift (i.e., the medium-sized and medium speed (yellow) one). The other one (i.e., the large-sized and fast speed (orange) one) is too big." I told him that the smallest one that we have is on the other side of the warehouse and that he could use that one. Gary walked away with a temper tantrum and flailed his arms in the air. He later came back from one of his long breaks as I finished unloading a truck and began to transfer several items to their appropriate places using the large-sized and fast speed (orange) forklift--you know, the one that he said was "too big" to use. He said to me, "Hey Paul, let me use that forklift. I need to finish my work fast." I hopped off of that forklift, walked up to his face, and asked him, "If you are so concerned about finishing your work on time, then why are you wasting time taking numerous breaks that are longer than normal? I hardly ever take my breaks and I get my work done on time even by myself." Gary said, "Well, let me tell you something. My wife is the president of this company, and I sleep with my wife every night. Aha, aha. What do you think of that?" I could hardly believe my ears. This guy looks like he is in his 60s and he is talking like some little five-year-old who says, "Well, let me tell you something. My momma is the president of this company, and I sleep with my momma every night. Aha, aha. What do you think of that?" Talk about acting like an old fart or a skunk!

    Oh, btw, a former supervisor told me that Gary was getting paid like $2,000 even though Gary was supposed to be a "volunteer" worker at the clinic. Sounds like the president and her husband are bending the rules in order to get around the law and rake in more money for themselves. Now that should be considered stealing and nepotism which would be unjust discrimination, especially when Gary gets to break the chain of command while other employees are not allowed to.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2009
  13. IW21012

    IW21012 Member

    Thank you so much for sharing this account. It is comforting to know that I am not the only one who gets used like a rubber glove. If there is "dirt" somewhere, they discard the glove and say, "Look! There it is! He did it!" However, if you do not do everything that they want you to do, even if you think that what they want you to do is unethical, they can discharge you for insubordination even if you had a good reason not to do what they wanted you to do.

    Anyway, I would rather be discharged for refusing to do something that is unethical (because it is against my religion) than do everything that they wanted me to do and be used like some scape goat for their dirty business. God will get them.

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