Is Obama a "Hero"? To the best of my knowledge he is a politician, and those folks are always selling themselves. :mrgreen: Sculley can sell himself all he wants, I just said to me it cheapens what he did.
Just as long as you acknowledge that he's selling himself as much as the next guy and he hasn't done anything heroic.
Well there are those that probably consider O- man a hero... Tell the survivors that Sulley is a cheapened Hero and see what your responses from them would be... seeing how you weren't one iota affected by his actions personally. Still don't grasp how his speaking warrants downplaying his miracle... which it was a miracle.... he's a humble man who gets to pick and choose how HE deals with it no one else but him. I would rather hear him speak then someone like Proffesor Churchill, or the Rev Jackson and I could go on and on... but no need to.
Funny I thought it was based on science, which is why he trained on it and trained others. If everything was based on magic this world would be screwed.
Hughey all do respect here but you are on the train to nowhere with this... Hurry jump off before it goes to far and to fast I'm trying to help you now.
Well to be perfectly honest... it was by the Grace of God how it all turned out... Science????? Wow that is one fast train...
Radio ad while traveling to the mountians last week. It may have been a Triad radio station, but I cannot be sure as we were skimming the stations.
Hmmm you see no difference in someone who must be in the media to get elected and someone trying to capitalize on doing something like this but you see a difference between this and Sgt. York?
Found this on another site. Craig