Defensive Driving Course Required for Student Parking Passes Beginning this upcoming school year (2009-2010), all students who wish to obtain parking passes for any Johnston County Schools high school campus will be required to show proof that they have completed a four hour defensive driving course. This is part of the “Because We Care” safe teen driving program presented to the Board of Education this past November. Currently, all students enrolled in the driver’s education program are completing this requirement as part of their “Behind the Wheel” portion of their driver’s education program. The “Alive at 25” course, now offered as part of the regular driver’s education curriculum, is meeting this requirement for a fee of $25.00 (which is reduced from $55.00). Students who completed driver’s education before December 2009, or completed driver’s education in another district, will be most affected by this new requirement since “Alive at 25” had not become a standard part of the Johnston County Schools driver’s education class. This means these student drivers will have to enroll in a four hour defensive driving course between now and August if they want to receive a parking pass for the 2009-2010 school year. Johnston Community College will be offering this course throughout the summer. I think this is a good idea! A pain for those who haven't taken the course already in drivers ed, but still worth it. I hope it helps our teen drivers!
I told DD that if her brother could ride the bus thru his senior year then so could she. I am not going to pay what they want for the kids to park on campus when she can ride the bus. I do think the class is a good idea, although I think it should be incorporated into the driver's ed program.
Currently it is part of the driver's ed - so really just affects those who've already had driver's ed. Mine's a Sr this yr, so won't affect us. One of her friends had to take it (cause they got a ticket) and they said basically it just tells them to slow down and to wear a seatbelt, so not sure how effective its gonna be, but every bit helps!
DD took Drives Ed last summer. Was part of the course then? Just curious. I agree, every little bit does help. Wish all these wrecks and teen deaths would make these kids stop and think and slow down.
Good 4 u 4ever if more parents would take your stance instead of saying they just tell them 2 slo down. I think all teenagers should ride the bus till they pay car payments or insurance,
I didn't buy my son's first car and he is making payments on the car he has now, even though it is under our name because it was ours and we refinanced it for him, to keep payments and insurance lower. When we put him on our policy, we made him pay his portion. We plan on doing the same with DD. She has to get a job and buy her own car and pay for her portion of the insuracne, etc. We don't mind helping at times, but I think that my kids have had a better appreciation of things that they have had to do them selves than if I just did it for them. But that doesn't mean I am paying for a parking place at school. I have a little better control when I know where she is at etc. Bus will do her just fine thru school.