Me and DD are going Sunday. WE usually go that day because a lot of times toward the end of the day, you can get more "samples" to take home with you. One year a friend and I left with like 12 packs each of soda and another year we left with a couple of bouquet of flowers....some years we get more than others, but we have a blast. Sunday is their Dancing Like The Stars, I believe.
I've talked ma into going. I'm getting kiddo on the bus and the chicks are leaving the hen house! We'll be there when it opens too.
be sure to check out this exhibit! :shock: American Association for Nude Recreation Exhibit Number : 2032
I missed that one on the coupon list... or did they have a coupon since they won't have anywhere to stick-it? :lol:
i might have to go just to see what 'attire' they have on. that and what kind of recreation they speak of! this makes me ROFLMAO!