Someone always come to you for advise, then they never take it, then they come to you and complain that they should have listened to you. It never fails, every single time. STOP coming to me for advise when you really dont want it or will listen to it. Your wasting my time. sorry had to vent...
On the other hand, you can take satisfaction in the fact that you can say, with head held high and a smug smile on your face, "I told you so!"
I Totaly agree. :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: If they are not intelegant enough to take your advice after seeking it out. than shame on them. Not your Fault there are Idiots in the World. You have done your best to help. and they Just did not see the Light. Congrats to you.
Some show that Ben Stiller's Dad was on, I believe it was the one with the guy from the mall cop movie, had the same situation. They always asked him for advice and they deliberately took the opposite advice thinking he was clueless. He eventually found out and started giving the adivce opposite from what he normally would. Hillarity then ensued.
I so totally agree with you. I tell people to not as me for advice, cause once you open that door I have trouble closing it. I find it easier to just stop being peoples friends cause they are just never going to change cause they want it to be someone elses fault they make poor choices.
You can't make people do what you think they ought to. I spent a lot of years agonizing over decisions one of my sister's was making. In the end, I caused myself a lot of angst and she ultimately didn't give a crap. It's not worth it.
I agree. I have 6 brothers and 1 sister and I don't ever hear a peep from any of them nor have I seen any of them for over 15 years. At this point I really don't care either. Advice given many yrs ago was probably the root cause of the problems of lack of communication between us,but hey this is not even worth the effort to type this response. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Another one is when they ask for advice, you give the advice, they don't take it, in fact they don't do anything different, yet continue to complain, complain, complain about their problem. One that comes to mind is someone who tells me constantly how "lucky" I am that my child behaves a certain way and complains that hers do not. I say I am not lucky, it takes work. I am asked what it is I do, I share, then get the, oh I don't think I can do that (as in discipline). Yet I continue to hear how "lucky" I am and constant complaints about her own children's behavior. That gets old!