Pool Poll.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by granola acres mayor, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    I have had my pool for about ten years now, when i first opened it i used Baquicil:( bad idea, waisted lots of money it is way to hot here in the peak season for that chemical. then i went to chlorine. :) love it. clean fresh all the time but for us girls in the house that color our hair it isnt very nice. but still reliable. always dependable.but still very pricey. now the new rage is salt water systems. i purchased one last year and hooked it up this year I hope it is as good as chlorine, and so far what i have been hearing it is soooo much cheaper to keep up. what do you my 40 42 ers think on this subject? cant wait to hear from y'all.
  2. soulshine

    soulshine Well-Known Member

    I did the baquicil thing too and it was a waste of money, it's definitly too hot here. I hope the salt water system works for you. I have highlights too and chlorine can turn your hair green. I just use the Nexus Simply Silver shampoo to get rid of it or either a clarifying shampoo. I am opening my pool this week, that's one thing I never get bored with even though I've had mine for 23 years.
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    what in the world, my chlorine has never turned my hair green. i know back in the day of copper piping, especially in public pools, the combination of chlorine and copper was known to do that but never hear of it anymore:confused:
  4. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    We had a salt water system and loved it. It makes your skin feel so soft and it didn't bother our hair at all. I do think it was a little cheaper than the chlorine system.
  5. soulshine

    soulshine Well-Known Member

    Dear Confused lol,
    Come to think of it, it doesn't turn hair like it did before but it does affect the color if you get highlights and lowlights. I think it bleaches out the lowlights. As far as turning green happens mostly to people with "ash color" on their hair.
  6. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    We've had our pool for 8 years and have always used Bacquacil. I know of people who it did not work for but just wanted to give a shout out that it can work for some. We have never ever had a problem with our water or algae, but then again, hubby checks it religiously and our pool is out in the open and subject to falling leaves or shade.
  7. irishluck

    irishluck Well-Known Member

    my hair has turned so green from chlorine people seriously thought i did it on purpose. i used ultraswim shampoo to get it out ;)
  8. slater

    slater Well-Known Member


    Im thinking that the ten years we been here did something to your langugage....u def said "Y'ALL".

    My jaw dropped.

    k. So recap. Mom has been in NC too long, shes talking crazy
  9. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

  10. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    Very funny kiddo! i catch myself saying I as in pie as well, go figure Kimmy was right it is easier to speak carolinian then it is yankee.
  11. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    Ok back to the pool poll, i have super shocked the pool as i was told it is clearing up great, as soon as i get 4 more bags of salt i am ready to do the switch, here is my concerne.
    All the pool supply places around here have sold out of the salt, what if i had been on the salt system already and needed a bag to treat my pool then what? if i cant get the salt what am i supposed to do? they say it will be in over the weekend, well great i work on saturday and they r closed on Sunday. any ideas on where else i can get the salt?
  12. dgsatman

    dgsatman Well-Known Member

    Morton's.com....???? :)
  13. granola acres mayor

    granola acres mayor Well-Known Member

    Very funny wouldnt that be even funnier if it worked? you crack me up!
  14. trev47

    trev47 Well-Known Member

    When we lived in southern california I converted my pool to a salt water system. I loved it. First any high purity salt(water softener salt) will do. It is usually much cheaper to get it from Lowes or Home Depot. The only issue is how long it takes to disolve - usually a couple of hours. Second, salt water systems do generate chlorine. The chlorine is at a lower level because it is more constant. My understanding is that the salt water goes through a device that has electrodes in it. The electricity separates the sodium and the chlorine. When the chlorine gets used, it then recombines with the sodium to form salt again. If you never drain your pool or there was no splash-out, then you would never have to add more salt. Evaporation only removes the water from the pool - not the salt. With 2 kids of my own and all of their friends we did have a lot of splashing. I only added 1 bag of salt in a year after the intial fill. After finding the right setting to keep the system at it was pretty easy. After getting it dialed in the way that you want it it is very easy. Although if you are expecting extra swimmers raising the setting the day before is helpful.
    Good Luck

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