Anyone else having trouble with their Nextel/Sprint phones today? I can't figure out if it's just me or's a blackberry phone if that matters...
I was on the internet, and tried closing it out and it froze. I couldn't turn it off or anything. I took the battery out (no idea if I'm supposed to do that, but nothing else worked) and now I can't do anything. All my info is still there, but it says I don't have wi-fi, and can't call anyone. I tried calling hubby, who also has it, and I keep getting his v/m. So I don't know if his is out too, or if he's just busy...
when i called sprint mine was doing the same thing, they told me to take the battery out and try again and then i had to go to the manage connections icon ( click on it ) then make sure the mobile network said sprint and was in green letters.
I didn't receive and e-mail until 7 hours after it had been sent!! I also didn't receive text messages until an hour later. This happened to me yesterday and this morning.
GarnerGirl - that worked, thanks! Blueyed - I don't get my texts until hours after the fact, luckily I don't really do it much so it doesn't matter. Have been told it has to do with an upgrade you need to do or have done. You can do it yourself or take it into a store and have them do it. It takes up to 1.5 hours, and if you disconnect too early, it can really mess up your phone. I haven't done mine yet.
I did the upgrade on my own about two weeks ago. It indeed took a while but I haven't really had any text or message delays until yesterday. There's a certain place on my desk here at work that I will totally lose service and have to reboo.:banghead: Hopefully you will get everything worked out.
Changed from Nextel to Sprint. We live in a cul de sac that is beneath line of sight, so signal was formerly an issue. Sprint provided a device, Airwave, that connects to our router. We have excellent service now, with our home serving as a minor cell node. Sprint has given us everything we could ask for in terms of service and value. We left Verizon (glad we did)...
Just going by your screename, I'm going to assume you sell cell phones, so you've probably got a hidden agenda behind that post...:lol: Actually, I never have problems with my cell phone, except for that one time, and it's been fine ever since then. I'm hardly ever on it, just for emergencies, but my hubby got me the blackberry for a gift, so it's fun to have anyway...:mrgreen:
Your welcome! I had to upgrade mine too bc I wasnt getting text messages either, its really easy and I did mine later in the evening so I knew I woudnt need the phone right that second since it takes awhile
I'm sick to death of Nextel and if I get super po'd at them again between now and next April I'm going to be the next Ex-nextel phone user! grrr I really really despise nextel :x
I love the Nextel direct connect feature but hate the service in our area. We have terrible service in my home ( Cleveland Road between Josephine and Grill ) although there is a tower in the field next door. Can't seem to get them to hook on to that tower. Wish someone else had the direct connect feature - we'd change in a second. Once you've gotten accustomed to the walkie talkie feature, it seems impossible to want to live without it. My family/friends and I talk all through the day with the click of a button whereas I wouldn't want to make an actual phone call.