i'll be there, don't know how much i can scrounge up to sell, but i will be there, never been to one, will be interesting
had a great time tonite, love you guys even though the crap i had wasn't worth anything (yeah yeah i know, i kept the real stuff at home), it was so much fun seeing everyone again and no cookies:lol:
Sorry I missed it! I hope you all had a great time. I had to get ready for my yard sale in the morning.
Hey! It was nice to get some $$ tonight instead of spending it! Thanks Jen! Good to see some folks again! : )
Good to see you gals, sorry I had to jet. Next time hopefully I can hang around. The punch was delish!
Jenn, Kdc, Kaci...it was great seeing you again! And no Kaci, I did not eat that stupid cookie. I have never had anyone give me such a hard time over a cookie. :lol: Cleo, it was nice to finally meet you. You look nothing like I had you pictured in my mind. Guess the avatar throws me off. Kdc, I hope you didn't spend all that you made before you ever got home last night!! Jenn, thank you for the invite. I'm glad you made some Disney $$. You and your DH are a trip!!!
Thanks for coming over ladies! I was so happy to see you all, you know I love to entertain!! I'm really pretty pleased with what I made, and after the other parties hold, I will have made another pretty penny. Thanks again girls, and Bren, I've saved some cookies, I'll run one by your house later! LOL
sorry i didnt make it jenn....the wee one was sick yesterday. were all of you please with what you made? gosh.....i dont know if i have enough to make anything.
Just please, please don't tell Guard Kaci!! She'll have it snatched outta my hand before it ever gets to my mouth!!! :mrgreen: I still love ya Kaci!! You were looking out for my best interest I know. Just remember that because next time I'm gonna watch you like a hawk.....I'd hate to have to tell Rachel on you!!
Oh, 1 more thing...I'm now up to almost $1000 from having my gold party back in February. After my last person has hers, I should be over $1000!! Thanks for hosting Jenn!!
Ladies and Gents, I'm having a gold and silver party hosted by the same gentleman that did Jenn's party. My party is next Friday, June 12 from 7-9pm. I would love for you to come by and make some $. If you are interested please pm me and I'll send you my address. If you are busy and can't make it I would be glad to show them your jewelry and get a price for you and then you can decide if you want to sell or not. Thanks!!!
Just wanted to say a huge thank you to those of you that came to my gold party! It was nice to see you guys again and it was very nice to finally meet CLEO!!!! Thanks again to everyone and I hope everyone enjoys spending their money! ps/ for anyone else considering having a party . . . it is SO easy. All you do is invite people and sit back and watch their faces light up as they earn money for their old gold. We had a great time!
I didn't make a ton but I was very pleased with the outcome :mrgreen: I have a girl here at work that is supposed to have a party. I can't wait to collect that $100!
I guess I missed it,had some logging in problems lately. I don't have any gold jewelry but got some silver stuff,anyone know if you get a good deal for selling your silver jewelry?