Need a dog house

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Tangerine, May 1, 2009.

  1. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    We are rescuing a dog that is chained up and not getting food and water. Anyone know where I can get a doghouse? Anyone have one available?
    I'm not even a dog person but I guess I better learn fast.
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    how big is the dog, i may have one you can have.
  3. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    I don't know. I haven't seen him yet but he said he was a pit so I imagine he is a big dog.
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    let me talk to DH, we have 2 outside and neither one of the dogs ever use them. Blue stays out all the time but will go into the shed or under the deck instead of his doghouse and Gracie is rarely outside unless we are all out there. Hey good excuse for you and your sweetie to come by:hurray:
  5. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    Cool thank you. Just let me know. He's getting him tomorrow. He's tied to a car right now. Bf can't stand that.
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    sorry sweetie, DH informed me he had already promised it to someone else
  7. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    Not a problem. Thanks for asking. We'll probably just go buy a new one if we don't find one soon.
  8. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    there is someone posting in the free section of Craigslist in Clayton.... good luck
  9. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Tangy, Pickle has one that she got from me and she just asked me if I wanted her to return it. It is big enough for about a medium dog, right, Pickle? You are welcomed to that one. I had it on hand for rescuing. We can just pass it around...making sure it's been santitized, of course!
  10. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    Yes, it would be fine for a medium dog. I will wash it again today in case you want it Tangerine.
  11. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    If you've washed it once, don't worry about doing it again. I didn't say that for you...I said it so people wouldn't freak out about passing it around and flame me! :)
  12. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    Oh, I didn't think anything about it but I am sure it could use a good spraying off. It was close to where my problem child tries to dig his way out!
  13. B&L'SMoM

    B&L'SMoM Guest

    Hi i have you can have.You can come and pick it me
    i will give the info to come and get it.

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