
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, May 5, 2009.

  1. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    My 3 yo woke up this morning crying his head hurts. He's actually been crying for 1.5 hours now, and even after I gave him motrin an hour ago, it still hurts him. I was just wondering if anyone here knows of anything going around that would cause that, like a virus? He has no fever, and he's eating and drinking, so guess his tummy feels fine. But everytime I move him or pick him up he cries louder like it really hurts him bad. I'm going to call the dr when they open, was just looking for ideas...
  2. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Chris got that one day, and I think it turned out to be a migraine but I am not sure.
    Big hugs to you and your little one, I hope he gets feeling better soon...:grouphug:
  3. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Gosh, I hate that for you and kiddo. It kills me when my babies hurt.


    Please let us know what it is. Mysterious pains worry me especially with little kids. :?
  4. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    If the doctor will not see him this morning, ASAP take him to Wake Med ER NOW!!!!!!! I have children with seizures as well with migraines. Also I just read this to a friend of mine that is a nurse and she said the same thing!!!!
  5. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Two weeks ago my 23 month old daughter came to me crying "Head Hurt". This happened a couple of times that week. On each occasion, she laid herself down to rest until she felt better. Because she had a runny nose at the time, I assumed it had something to do with her sinuses. Last week, it happened 3 more times. She wasn't showing any other symptoms. I took her to the doctor and they checked her ears, throat, nose ... and found nothing wrong. She does have 2 molars coming in so the doctor thought that might be the source of the problem. I hope that's all it was. So far it hasn't happened again this week. They said if the problem got worse I should bring her back in. I'd be interested to hear what your doctor says. I rarely get headaches, but my husband's family suffers from migrains. As a young child my husband got headaches starting around 8 years of age. He did eventually outgrow them. I'm hoping my little ones won't suffer with the same issues. I'd be interested in what your doctor says. Hopefully teething was the cause of baby girls headaches ... but if there is some sort of virus going around ... maybe that was the cause.
  6. JellyBean

    JellyBean Well-Known Member

    I am also curious to hear what you all find out. My son is in daycare and told his teacher his head hurt yesterday and told me the same when I picked him up. He has not said that so far today. This is totally new as he's never had headaches before.

    His teacher said there is a virus going around with headache and tummy ache...my son didnt eat lunch and wanted to just lay down yesterday but ate dinner just fine...
  7. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    MY DR IS AWESOME! When I called in, the nurse told him what I was telling her, and he said to bring him in right away, even though he didn't have an opening until noon. That's why I love Horizon Family...

    Anyway, he does not have: ear infection, cold, sinus infection, fever, tummy aches. The only problem is he cannot move his head up, like to look at the ceiling. So he does not have meningitis (which I didn't think he did, but some of you may be wondering), I guess with that you can't move your head in any direction. The dr is thinking he probably just slept on it wrong. He told me to keep giving him motrin and put a heating pad or hot towel on it, and let him know if anything changes. He's acting better now, not crying, but still says it hurts, like if we went over a bump in the road or something. But he's acting fine other than that...I was wondering about a migraine myself, since I have them. But the light wasn't bothering him at all, in fact he was playing with the light in the dr office shining it right in his face, and I know I definitely couldn't do that if I had a migraine, and I also can't eat when I have one, and he ate a ton this morning. So don't think it's that.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'm glad he's feeling better! I was worried for the little fella this morning. Kudos to your Dr's office too.
  9. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    sheew... that's a relief! Poor baby. I get pretty cranky when I sleep wrong too. I hope he feels better soon.
  10. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I always get nervous with the head...guess cause all the stuff in there is so important! :lol: Anyway, I'll let you all know if anything changes, and thanks so much for the concerns and input...
  11. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I love my docs at Horizon!!
    My whole family goes there and we just love them!
    I am glad that there is nothing seriously wrong...
    Get well soon little one..:grouphug:
  12. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad it was short lived. I believe my ds2 has migraines. Twice now he's complained of a bad headache and couldn't stand the light. I remember having one as a child and my mom told me I was too young to have headaches. She's my all knowing mom and a nurse...at about 8 years old who was I to ask? So I've had them all my life thinking they were normal headaches up until maybe 10-15 years ago. I'm glad your little one is doing better.
  13. CrazyFabulous

    CrazyFabulous Well-Known Member

    glad your wee one is better!! i would imagine that the crap floating around in the air that is hurting our heads is bothering the short ones as well.
  14. KB2

    KB2 Well-Known Member

    FYI -

    Another surprising culprit of a headache and no other symptoms in a young child is...Strep.

    One time when my son was about 3 he also complained of a REALLY bad headache. Anytime he moved he would cry. All he could do was lay still on the couch. He also started later complaining of a stomach ache. He had no fever, throat pain, cold symtoms.

    I started looking online and saw that in small children that sometimes headache and/or stomach ache is the only syptom of strep. So I took him in and asked the doctor. He looked at his throat and said it was only a little red, but tested him for it anyway because he confirmed that yes a headache could be the only symptom.

    Sure enough, the test was positive. He had strep.

    SO if you son is still feeling a headache and/or stomach ache in another day or so you might want to take him back in to the Dr. and ask about strep.

    Hope he is just fine!

  15. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Well where were you this morning???!!! :jester: Just kiddin...he's acting fine now. He says he still can't look up, but he's running and playing and hasn't cried since this morning. I'll see how he is in the morning. I'm actually taking my other son to the same dr on Thursday for a follow up on something totally different, so I can always ask him then if anything changes (that's not urgent of course)
  16. Tweetyluvzme

    Tweetyluvzme Well-Known Member

    Wonder if maybe he had a "crick" in his neck and it was hurting him? Maybe he said it was his head because it hurt when he moved it, too young to tell you it was his neck maybe? Hope he gets better soon!!
  17. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    An update...he's much better, not crying or complaining anymore. But yesterday as I was taking him to school (preschool) he said his head still hurt (after he had told me earlier it didn't hurt anymroe) so I turned around back home and gave him some motrin before taking him to school. He's fine otherwise. He still can't look up though. I asked him where it hurts when he looks up and he points to the back of his neck, but if I just ask him where his head hurts he holds the back of his head, not his neck. I have no idea. But he definitely cannot hold his head up, like to look at the sky. In fact, during his bath last night he kept holding his head down when I washed his hair instead of up like he normally does. Still not sure...Taking my other son to the dr today, so I'll mention it to him and see what he says.
  18. Dad2Brandon

    Dad2Brandon Guest

    you would take your son for a scan at the hospital.

    Probably nothing, but it sounds like he's real uncomfortable.

    I talked to my cousin who is a nurse and she said that it could be vertigo, but she said that the fact that he can't look up with a hurtin head is something that should be looked at by a hospital.

    I hope i'm not intruding. let us know and i'm sure he's going to be fine
  19. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    When my son was 3 we enrolled him in a swim class. On the final day of class, the kids all got to slide down a big, curvy water slide as part of their graduation. Two days later my son started crying about his neck. Like your son, he was unable to look up. We took him in for x-rays and they could see swelling around his neck muscles. They gave him some sort of steroid shot to ease the swelling. We were told that the slide was the most likely cause of the injury. Fortunely after a couple of weeks, he was as good as new & begging to try that crazy old slide again.
  20. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Unless I actually knew the cause of the headache, I would not cover up the pain with motrin. I agree that he should be taken in for x-rays to be absolutely sure you are not covering something up with motrin. Go to a specialist. They see more than the doctor sees. IMO.

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