Does anyone know of a small band I could hire to play for a backyard party. A band just starting out and wanting experience would be great. I don't want to pay and arm and a leg, they would also get food and drinks. Blue grass would be first choice, but rock would also be good.I would pay a reasonable fee.
Depending on the type of party you might also be interestd in Brad Benson. Can't smaller than he is. Check him out here.
thanks, but their band is playing for a wedding, that day,they might be more expensive than I am looking for also. Any other bands, people let me know.
Backfence--- Tom DeVito, I work with him, the band is good, don't know about prices. This is my girl *Songbird* and her band. LOVE HER!!! Tell her Harleygirl sent you! BTW, they are not a small band by any stretch of the imagination, but they are freaking awesome!!!!!! Christy ~ lead vocals ~ lil skinny chick can sing her guts out!
Band wanted Thanks they are great, but again, they are booked for May 23rd. I am not looking to book a profressional so much , I would like back porch band, that is looking to build themselves up and at the same time we could all have fun. Thanks anyway.
Have you contacted Steve? Not sure if he does this or not but he might someone if he doesn't do it. Sherry
LOL... back porch band, don't want a professional... Good choice Sherry... Try Steve... :lol::lol::cheers:
Thanks, HG. Speaking of which...I'm trying to convince Kaci to come out to their upcoming gig in Clayton on May 30th (if we're not passed out from Relay). You guys need to come! We had a great time last time he played there!
The Lawn Darts The Lawn Darts does parties. The bassist used to be a member of this site. Go to: or for more info. Good luck!