Ok, I'm looking to change cell phones. I've read up on all the past posts of cell service plans and I want an updated perspectives of what you folks think of local service. Save your breath telling me about Nextel or Sprint. I know they suck. They are why I'm changing. I'm leaning towards Verizon or possibly Alltel. But since V bought A out it leans me more towards V. TIA!
I will be interested to keep up with this thread... I have AT&T for a provider and for the most part they are ok, but the cell holes are murder... I drop calls in certain spots, but not all the time...I hate it:evil:
The only problem I have is when I am in a "bottom". You know like up and down hills. Sometimes I lose the call. Other than that I am pretty happy with them.
We use Sprint, but have heard lots of good things about Alltel in this area. We are constantly on our phones for business, so the $99 Everything Plan works for us, but I would rather have Alltel.
We have Verizon and I haven't had any problems with the service or plan. But I am PO'd about their phone upgrade plan! :evil: I wanted to get a new phone and found out yesterday that I have to wait until 2010 or pay full price! WTH! We've been customers for almost a yr, so I could see them making us wait until we hit the one yr mark...maybe - but having to keep the same phone for 2 yrs I think is BS. Normally I don't change phones, but w/ dd going off to college I wanted to get one with a keyboard to make texting her easier. :evil:
Hmmm, I haven't had any problems at the bottoms of hills. The worst one when I had Nextel was Castleberry Rd off 42W, not that problem with Alltel. I'll probably be upgrading later this year to a blackberry:?
I signed a 2-year contract with AT&T to get my Samsung Blackjack for $50, and so far I think it was well worth it.
I don't have a problem with a 2 yr service/plan contract, thats a 'given'. I don't want to change providers - I just wanted a new/different phone - and they tell me I have to wait 2 yrs to upgrade or pay full price for the phone. That just doesn't make sense to me...seems they'd like for folks to be able to get new phones!
I switched to Alltel, and I'm very happy I did. As an Alltel customer I get to talk to both A and V customers unlimited, and as of right now, the A plans fit better with my family. No problem with service either.
Well, the free or reduced price upgrade is offered as an incentive to get you to sign a new contract, so they're not going to give it to you if you already have a contract.
I have verizon and get great reception. Alltel is or maybe already has merged with Verizon. I would suggest searching ebay for a new phone to buy. Then pick a provider. This way you can avoid being locked into a 2yr contract.
That was one question I wanted to know. If I sign up for V will I get to talk to A & V customers unlimited because the fam has Alltell. If so... I'm sold! So, who wants a Nextel Blackberry 7100i CHEAP! :lol:
I understand that, but with Nextel you could upgrade and that extended the contract for 2 more yrs, I'd be fine w/ that. The 'contract part' is not what I have a problem with, thats not even an option w/ Verizon - they won't let you get new phones until you've had their service for 2 yrs, which seems stupid to me. oh - well.........:?
let's talk, i was checking into getting a Nextel Blackberry, i seriously need a new phone, mine is about 5 years old and although would love to change to Alltell, all my kids and DH have Sprint/Nextel and they can call me free as long as i have that. If i switch to Alltell, i can put them in my circle but it will cost them to call me, dang the things we do for our kids:lol:
The timing of this thread is perfect! I've been an Alltel customer since they were 360! We have been extremely satisfied. My phone has had it so I need to upgrade. They have always made us wait to upgrade until 3 months before the contract runs out. I have always disagreed with this policy but they would not budge. I'm looking at a Blackberry but my gosh, the keys are so small! I know, old dog, new tricks-I'd also have to get used to the QWERTY layout for texting as most phones are going this route. I don't know how I'll keep my fat fingers on those little buttons! I spent quite a bit of time with our rep at the Alltel store in Clayton last weekend (ABC Cellular-next to Starbucks). I was told that the merger with V is not complete but once it is, they expect the prices of the plans to jump. She encouraged me to go ahead and sign up for a plan now before the merger so I will be grandfathered in. Yes, with Alltel you can now talk to V customers for free. What I don't like is that the plans for the new smart phones have reduced the number of peak time minutes in half (500) to keep the same price. If I jump to the higher minute package of 1200, then the price goes way up. Also, the basic phones are being more and more stripped since they are not the big sellers. Hope this info helps-any advice on the Blackberry Pearl would also be welcomed since that's what I'm looking at. They have a BOGO now.