Actually, not in the Methodist church. If a person is baptized as an infant in the Methodist or Catholic church, and later wants to change their denomination to Baptist, I think the Baptist church would require them to be baptized again. But if you are a Methodist, and you believe baptism is something God does for you, then asking to be baptized again is like saying God didn't do it right the first time.
Actually, yes in the UMC. I have seen many teenagers who were baptized again in the UMC after having been baptized as an infant. It is a public acknowledgment that they have accepted Jesus as their savior.
LOL, no I didn't mean that to sound as though the two were related. I was just thought it was funny that they'd swim in those dresses. :lol:
Yeah, they are some kooky folks - just not recognized as part of the LDS church. They formed their own sect with their own practices/beliefs. Whatever happened with that?
Really? I've never seen that. All of the confirmation ceremonies I have seen in the Methodist church involve baptizing the kids who were not previously baptized, but I have never seen anyone re-baptized in the Methodist church. (Not saying it doesn't happen, just that I've never seen it.)
I've only attended one UMC church, but at Elevation UMC north of Benson, I have seen the teenagers re-baptized as part of the confirmation ceremony. In fact, we even worked out an arrangement with a local OFWB church to use their facility so the kids could be fully immersed. And yes, I was reared OFWB, and Methodist was much closer in theology than Southern Baptist. One of the big reasons I switched from S.Baptist to Methodist a few years ago. Felt closer to my OFWB roots as a Methodist than I did as a S. Baptist.
Exactly my point. Don't tell someone they were not Baptized when they believe they were. It's kinda like telling a Jewish person that Jesus really came. Their belief is that he has not come yet.
Ok - We visited True North today and really liked it. We've realized that we are not going to find an even mix of contemporary and traditional. We decided to go with the more contemporary church. At first I thought it would be weird to go to a church in a movie theater but it's not about the building, it's about what you're learning. I was very impressed with the pastor. I've listened to his podcasts and knew he was good. The kids loved their classes too. So, we'll be going back here for sure. opcorn: Ha - had to use the popcorn pic for this one.