I received one of those Jury duty letters for Johnston county a few weeks ago, The paper says to show up at 9am on 5/11/2009. It says to call the night before after 5:30pm. The recorded voice says to be at the jury pool at 1:00pm. My questions are 1.) should I be there at 9:00am or 1:00pm? 2.) What is the going rate of pay for jury duty? 3.) Any insight to what goes on there? thanks
It the recording said to be there at 1:00 PM that is the time you should be there. I got lucky 4 weeks ago. Recording said I was not needed. Yes!
cool then I will have the morning off to get personal stuff done then, I am already taking the day off from work. Yea about 6 years ago I got one of those letters while I was away on vacation and didnt get back till after the call date/time. Could not find a live person to talk to. Then about a month later got a subpoena to go to court to explain why I never called the number or showed up. So I guess this time is to make up for last time. Does anyone know how much the courts pay? And if I use up all my vacation time can I use sick time?
Court pay used to be $12 a day, some employers pay you for Jury Duty time at your regular rate of pay minus the $12. I also got Jury duty for May 20th, mine said superior court. Son-in-law went about 4 months ago and ended up going for 6 days, a child abuse case. I hope they do not need me when I call.
If I remember correctly, it was a sliding scale depending on how many days were required. Something like $12.00 a day for anything less than 3 days, but if it went to 3 days or over it was something like $18.00 to $20.00 a day.
I'll have to double check the HR person when i get back. But I am pretty sure I will have to use vacation time. If it goes over 5 days i will see if they will allow me to use sick time then.
i had jury duty back in April, same thing, show up via the recording at 1:00pm on a monday afternoon. jury was chosen, DA did his review of the first random jurors chosen, approx. 4:30 the defense attorney had his opportunity to review the jurors in the box. 5:00 we were let go, but they wanted the same jury pool to choose from the next morning, so we had to be back at 9:00am. The Defense attorney released 7 of the 12 jurors for "dismissal for cause" and I was randomly chosen in the 7 replacements. I was dismissed for cause just before lunch. So I got 2 days off, just got the check. $12 for the first day and $20 for the second, nor was I docked any pay at work for missing the time (I was salary).
I had to go in January, and mine took two days and it was $12 the first and $20 the second day. I didn't get picked (thank gosh! it was for a man who was charged with rape of a child who admitted guilty). But it was SO boring. :? They had called me 3 times before that which I got deferred because it was always on my college exam days. Then they got me 2 weeks after college graduation. My mom had it the week after me.
you can call me MR JUROR #_ I would give you my seat number but I think some of the people who were in the jury pool may be from our area and I do not want to be in contempt of court. I think I can say its going to be the rest of this week at least
Oh man, that stinks! Everytime I've had to go in I just answer all of the questions along the lines that I think everyone ever arrested belongs in jail for a long time and that I will fight hard for that belief. I usually get excused by the defendant's attorney. Oh, and it helps to ask to go to the bathroom every 45 minutes. Seriously.
What I can tell you about it is.............................Nothing. Once it's done I can fess up and tell all. Sorry contempt of court and I do not get along.
I got the letter-- for Jury Duty for JOCO on 5/27. I'll get covered at work, w/o using vacation time for max 3 days. Hoping that I get dismissed, I made a vet appt for the pup that same afternoon. plus I'm flying out to MA that Friday (preplanned before the letter arrived) We will see!
You can contact them and let them know of your travel plans and they will schedule you for another date...I did it last year.
I still have to find out from HR if I am covered. Its going to go into next week and I only have 49 hours of vacation and 96 hours of sick time. I keep hearing some companies will make up the difference between what the courts pay and your normal pay.
GUILTY Well the trial ended today. I was on the Hipolito Hernandez case. Thats the one where the Mexican hit and killed the 7yo child. ======================================================================== A Johnston County jury found Hipolito Hernandez, an illegal immigrant, guilty of second degree murder in the death of a 7-year-old boy. Prosecutors argued that Hernandez was driving drunk and speeding in Four Oaks on Sunday, April 13, 2008 when he hit 7-year-old Marcus Lassiter. The jury also found Hernandez guilty of driving while impaired. They found him not guilty of reckless driving. "It's going to give some closure," said Greca Lassiter, the boy's father. "But we're still going to miss our son and we're going to miss him every day." Hernandez received the maximum sentence, from 196 to 245 months in prison. That's at least 16 years. District Attorney Susan Doyle requested the maximum sentence, asking the judge to take into account that when officers arrested Hernandez for second-degree murder, he was already wanted for failing to appear in court on another DWI charge. "This defendant has a continuous disregard for the laws of our state," Doyle said. "The only thing that will stop this defendant from drinking and driving and risking everyone else's life on the roadways is to be in prison." The defense attorney asked the judge to consider that Hernandez work for a Clayton cement finishing company to help support eight brothers and sisters in Mexico. But that did not sway the judge. After serving his sentence, Hernandez will go into the custody of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). His defense attorney appealed the ruling. An appellate court will now determine if there were any legal errors in the trial.