I drive to the bus stop every day, I pull as far off the road as I can. Now there is a guy in the neighborhood who is always in a hurry. He has almost hit me 3 times. Once when I was going slow to pull off the road he flew around me and almost hit the front of my car cutting back in front of me, second the bus had come and I checked all my mirrors and in back, no one was coming so I went to pull out all of a sudden he was there. He flew out of his driveway came at me then swerved around me. Today I was coming up the road and here he comes flying out of his driveway, I had to slam on my brakes then he saw me and slammed on his breaks, naturally since he was in such a hurry as to not care to look I just let him go. I need opinions. Should I inform the police or let it go? This guy is always speeding and not watching for kids. (That's my opinion.) The way he takes the turns and there are kids waiting for the bus. This driver is a prime example of why I go up there every day. Thanks
My thoughts would be that because this happens so frequently, I would call the Sheriff's Dept and make them aware of the situation. There are children around and if anything were to ever happen because of the arse, the would have some kind of information on record. I would also suggest that maybe they have a deputy in the neighborhood to see if they can witness this themselves. There is no excuse for this type of driving, period. But at a bus stop, OMG.
Simply from your brief descriptions here he is violating traffic laws by his unsafe driving habits. I would contact the Sheriff's Dept and speak with someone concerning his hibitual dangerous driving habits around a school bus stop in the morning. Routinely we do have Sheriff's cars patrolling over here around West Johnston/ Raleigh Road/ Sanders Road area in the morning and in the afternoon during the peak school traffic times. It sounds as though your situation would warrant a cruiser to patrol or review his habits.
I was told by a deputy that it is illegal in NC to park on the side of the road at bus stops. But if no one complains don't worry about it.
You can mention it to the Sheriff's Department & the Hwy Patrol (if your roads are state mainted). If you have a dangerous driver who's bad behavior is repeated regularly ... sometimes they will have someone make a drive through the neighborhood on the days/times that you say the driver is usually misbehaving. If the guy is being really reckless ... maybe a ticket will help him to remember to drive safely, especially when there are kids around.
Is it worth making a friendly visit to enlighten him to the fact one day with this driving style he may take a life of a child and would it ask to much to be cautious till you get to 42 and then hammer down. Drop a note on is house after he leaves or go talk to his boss{wife} if he has one to straighten him out.
What difference does that make??? It sounds anyways that they are safer in the car than walking with this jackass driving that way.. :jester:
It is not very far at all but like some of the others said I would rather have him in the car than outside. This guy takes his turns a little fast I do not want my child out there. I am not the only parent in a car. Plus if the other parent doesn't make it I am there. By my being there not only keeps the kids safe it also makes sure they behave.
Bring your video camera, after a few days of getting footage - it may or may not be necessary to involve the law. If it is necessary, then you can show it to the deputy. Make it very obvious that you are filming him. As for the legalities of parking at the side of the road to get on the bus... wha? I never heard of such a thing.
Cleo a deputy told me that. The camera is a great idea. Tomorrow it will be in the car. By the way my son is in middle school, so no patrols here.